
#' Get a list of tickets from Zendesk that changed from a particular start time
#' @param connection An connection created by the create_connection function
#' @param start_time A Date or POSIXCT datetime
#' @return a dataframe of tickets
#' @export
# get_tickets_incremental <- function(access_token, email_id, start_time) {
get_tickets_incremental <- function(connection, start_time) {

    connection   = connection,
    url          = 'https://chumbacasino.zendesk.com/api/v2/incremental/tickets.json',
    query        = list(start_time = as.character(as.integer(start_time))),#, include = 'users, groups, organizations'),
    parsing      = 'JSON'
  ) %>%
  combine_json_pages()    %>% gather_array() %>%
  enter_object('tickets') %>% gather_array() %>%
    id              = jnumber('id'),
    url             = jstring('url'),
    organization_id = jnumber('organization_id'),
    submitter_id    = jnumber('submitter_id'),
    requester_id    = jnumber('requestor_id'),
    assignee_id     = jnumber('assignee_id'),
    status          = jstring('status'),
    type            = jstring('type'),
    subject         = jstring('subject'),
    raw_subject     = jstring('raw_subject'),
    description     = jstring('description'),
    created_at      = jstring('created_at'),
    updated_at      = jstring('updated_at'),
    external_id     = jstring('external_id'),
    group_id        = jnumber('group_id')
  ) %>%
  enter_object('via')    %>% spread_values(channel = jstring('channel')) %>%
  enter_object('source') %>% enter_object('from') %>%
    address     = jstring('address'),
    from_name   = jstring('name'),
    profile_url = jstring('profile_url')
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  select(-document.id, -array.index) %>%
   created_at = as.POSIXct(strptime(created_at, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')),
   updated_at = as.POSIXct(strptime(updated_at, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))


#' Get a list of users from Zendesk that changed from a particular start time
#' @param connection An connection created by the create_connection function
#' @param start_time A Date or POSIXCT datetime
#' @return a dataframe of users
#' @export
get_users_incremental <- function(connection, start_time) {

    connection   = connection,
    url          = 'https://chumbacasino.zendesk.com/api/v2/incremental/users.json',
    query        = list(start_time = as.character(as.integer(start_time))),
    parsing      = 'JSON'
  ) %>%
  combine_json_pages()  %>% gather_array() %>%
  enter_object('users') %>% gather_array() %>%
    id                      = jnumber('id'),
    url                     = jstring('url'),
    name                    = jstring('name'),
    email                   = jstring('email'),
    created_at              = jstring('created_at'),
    updated_at              = jstring('updated_at'),
    time_zone               = jstring('time_zone'),
    phone                   = jstring('phone'),
    shared_phone_number     = jstring('shared_phone_number'),
    photo                   = jstring('photo'),
    locale_id               = jnumber('locale_id'),
    locale                  = jstring('locale'),
    organization_id         = jnumber('organization_id'),
    role                    = jstring('role'),
    verified                = jstring('verified'),
    external_id             = jstring('external_id'),
    tags                    = jstring('tags'), # json field,
    alias                   = jstring('alias'),
    active                  = jstring('active'),
    shared                  = jstring('shared'),
    shared_agent            = jstring('shared_agent'),
    last_login_at           = jstring('last_login_at'),
    two_factor_auth_enabled = jstring('two_factor_auth_enabled'),
    signature               = jstring('signature'),
    details                 = jstring('details'),
    notes                   = jstring('notes'),
    custom_role_id          = jnumber('custom_role_id'),
    moderator               = jstring('moderator'),
    ticket_restriction      = jstring('ticket_restriction'),
    only_private_comments   = jstring('only_private_comments'),
    restricted_agent        = jstring('restricted_agent'),
    suspended               = jstring('suspended'),
    chat_only               = jstring('chat_only'),
    user_fields             = jstring('user_fields')
  ) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  select(-document.id, -array.index) %>%
   created_at    = as.POSIXct(strptime(created_at, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')),
   updated_at    = as.POSIXct(strptime(updated_at, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')),
   last_login_at = as.POSIXct(strptime(last_login_at, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))
datalove/zenner documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:45 p.m.