dmtC2SDS: Copy a clientside data.frame, matrix or tibble (DMT) to the...

View source: R/dmtC2SDS.R

dmtC2SDSR Documentation

Copy a clientside data.frame, matrix or tibble (DMT) to the serverside.


Creates a data.frame, matrix or tibble on the serverside that is equivalent to that same data.frame, matrix or tibble (DMT) on the clientside.





a character string in a format that can pass through the DataSHIELD R parser which specifies the name of the DMT to be copied from the clientside to the serverside. Value fully specified by <dfdata> argument of ds.dmtC2S.


a character string taking values "DF", "MAT" or "TBL". The value of this argument is automatically set by ds.dmtC2S depending on whether the clientside DMT is a data.frame, matrix or tibble. Correspondingly, its value determines whether the object created on the serverside is a data.frame, matrix or tibble. This is unlikely to always work (some class misspecifications may occur) but it works in all the test cases.


a character string specifying the source of <dfdata>. Fixed by clientside function as "clientside.matdftbl".


specifies the number of rows in the matrix to be created. Fixed by the clientside function as equal to the number of rows in the clientside DMT to be transferred.


specifies the number of columns in the matrix to be created. Fixed by the clientside function as equal to the number of columns in the clientside DMT to be transferred.


a parser-transmissable vector specifying the name of each column in the DMT being transferred from clientside to serverside. Generated automatically by clientside function from colnames of clientside DMT.


a parser-transmissable vector specifying the class of the vector representing each individual column in the DMT to be transferred. Generated automatically by clientside function. This allows the transmission of DMTs containing columns with different classes.If something is going to go wrong with class misspecification (see inout.object.transmit) it is a DMT with a complex combination of data/column types that will most likely be the cause. This suggests that you always check the class of the serverside DMT and its individual columns (if the latter is important). If a situation arises where the class of the columns is crucial and the function cannot do what is needed please contact the DataSHIELD forum and we can try to remedy the problem.


a logical value specifying whether the DMT created on the serverside should be filled row by row or column by column. This is fixed by the clientside function as FALSE (fill column by column).


dmtC2SDS is a serverside assign function called by ds.dmtC2S. For more information about how it works see help for ds.dmtC2S


the object specified by the <newobj> argument (or default name "matdftbl.copied.C2S") which is written as a data.frame, matrix or tibble to the serverside.


Paul Burton for DataSHIELD Development Team - 3rd June, 2021

datashield/dsBase documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:01 p.m.