Man pages for datashield/dsBase
DataSHIELD server site base functions

absDSComputes the absolute values of the input variable
asCharacterDSCoerces an R object into class character
asDataMatrixDSasDataMatrixDS a serverside assign function called by...
asFactorDS1Determines the levels of the input variable in each single...
asFactorDS2Converts a numeric vector into a factor
asFactorSimpleDSConverts a numeric vector into a factor
asIntegerDSCoerces an R object into class integer
asListDSasListDS a serverside aggregate function called by ds.asList
asLogicalDSCoerces an R object into class numeric
asMatrixDSCoerces an R object into a matrix
asNumericDSCoerces an R object into class numeric
aucDSaucDS an aggregate function called by ds.auc
blackBoxDSSecure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
blackBoxRanksDSSecure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
boxPlotGG_data_TreatmentDSArrange data frame to pass it to the boxplot function
boxPlotGG_data_Treatment_numericDSArrange vector to pass it to the boxplot function
boxPlotGGDSCreate the identity stats and necessary data to draw a plot...
bp_standardsDSCalculates Blood pressure z-scores
cbindDScbindDS called by ds.cbind
cDSConcatenates objects into a vector or list
changeRefGroupDSChanges a reference level of a factor
checkNegValueDSChecks if a numeric variable has negative values
classDSReturns the class of an object
colnamesDSReturns the column names of a data frame or matrix
completeCasesDScompleteCasesDS: an assign function called by...
corDSComputes the sum of each variable and the sum of products for...
corTestDSTests for correlation between paired samples
covDSComputes the sum of each variable and the sum of products for...
dataFrameDSdataFrameDS called by ds.dataFrame
dataFrameSortDSSorting and reordering data frames, vectors or matrices
dataFrameSubsetDS1dataFrameSubsetDS1 an aggregate function called by...
dataFrameSubsetDS2dataFrameSubsetDS2 an assign function called by...
densityGridDSGenerates a density grid with or without a priori defined...
dimDSReturns the dimension of a data frame or matrix
dmtC2SDSCopy a clientside data.frame, matrix or tibble (DMT) to the...
elsplineDSBasis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful...
extractSplits character by '$' and returns the single characters
extractQuantilesDS1Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
extractQuantilesDS2Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
gamlssDSgamlssDS an aggregate function called by ds.galmss
getWGSRDSComputes the WHO Growth Reference z-scores of anthropometric...
glmDS1glmDS1 called by ds.glm
glmDS2glmDS2 called by ds.glm
glmerSLMADS2Fitting generalized linear mixed effect models - serverside...
glmerSLMADS.assignFitting generalized linear mixed effect models - serverside...
glmPredictDS.agpredict regression responses from a glm object
glmPredictDS.aspredict regression responses from a glm object
glmSLMADS1Fit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with pooling via Study...
glmSLMADS2Fit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with pooling via Study...
glmSLMADS.assignFit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with pooling via Study...
glmSummaryDS.agsummarize a glm object on the serverside
glmSummaryDS.assummarize a glm object on the serverside
heatmapPlotDSCalculates the coordinates of the centroid of each n nearest...
hetcorDSHeterogeneous Correlation Matrix
histogramDS1returns the minimum and the maximum of the input numeric...
histogramDS2Computes a histogram of the input variable without plotting.
igb_standardsDSConverts birth measurements to intergrowth z-scores/centiles
isNaDSChecks if a vector is empty
isValidDSChecks if an input is valid
kurtosisDS1Calculates the kurtosis of a numeric variable
kurtosisDS2Calculates the kurtosis of a numeric variable
lengthDSReturns the length of a vector or list
levelsDSReturns the levels of a factor vector
lexisDS3@title lexisDS3
listDSCoerce objects into a list
lmerSLMADS2Fitting linear mixed effect models - serverside function
lmerSLMADS.assignFitting linear mixed effect models - serverside function
lsDSlists all objects on a serverside environment
lsplineDSBasis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful...
matrixDetDS1matrixDetDS aggregate function called by
matrixDetDS2matrixDetDS assign function called by ds.matrixDet
matrixDiagDSmatrixDiagDS assign function called by ds.matrixDiag
matrixDimnamesDSmatrixDimnamesDS assign function called by ds.matrixDimnames
matrixDSmatrixDS assign function called by ds.matrix
matrixInvertDSmatrixInvertDS serverside assign function called by...
matrixMultDSmatrixMultDS serverside assign function called by...
matrixTransposeDSmatrixTransposeDS serverside assign function called by...
meanDSComputes statistical mean of a vectores
mergeDSmergeDS (assign function) called by ds.merge
metadataDSReturns the metadata, if any, about the specified variable
miceDSAggregate function called by ds.mice
minMaxRandDSSecure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
namesDSReturn the names of a list object
nsDSGenerate a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines
numNaDSCounts the number of missing values
qlsplineDSBasis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful...
quantileMeanDSGenerates quantiles and mean information without maximum and...
rangeDSreturns the minimum and maximum of a numeric vector
ranksSecureDS1Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
ranksSecureDS2Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
ranksSecureDS3Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
ranksSecureDS4Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
ranksSecureDS5Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...
rbindDSrbindDS called by ds.rbind
rBinomDSrBinomDS serverside assign function
recodeLevelsDSRecodes the levels of a categorical variables
recodeValuesDSrecodeValuesDS an assign function called by ds.recodeValues
repDSrepDS called by ds.rep
replaceNaDSReplaces the missing values in a vector
reShapeDSreShapeDS (assign function) called by ds.reShape
rmDSrmDS an aggregate function called by ds.rm
rNormDSrNormDS serverside assign function
rowColCalcDSComputes sums and means of rows or columns of numeric arrays
rPoisDSrPoisDS serverside assign function
rUnifDSrUnifDS serverside assign function
sampleDSrandom sampling and permuting of vectors, dataframes and...
scatterPlotDSCalculates the coordinates of the data to be plot
seqDSseqDS a serverside assign function called by ds.seq
setFilterDSSets the privacy level
setSeedDSsetSeedDs called by ds.setSeed, ds.rNorm, ds.rUnif, ds.rPois...
skewnessDS1Calculates the skewness of a numeric variable
skewnessDS2Calculates the skewness of a numeric variable
sqrtDSComputes the square root values of the input variable
subsetByClassDSBreaks down a dataframe or a factor into its sub-classes
subsetByClassHelper1generates subsets vectors from a factor vector
subsetByClassHelper2generates subset tables from a data frame
subsetByClassHelper3generates subset tables from a data frame
subsetDSGenerates a valid subset of a table or a vector
table1DDSCreates 1-dimensional contingency tables
table2DDStable2DDS (aggregate function) called by ds.table2D
tableDStableDS is the first of two serverside aggregate functions...
tableDS2tableDS is the second of two serverside aggregate functions...
tableDS.assigntableDS.assign is the serverside assign function called by...
tapplyDStapplyDS called by ds.tapply
tapplyDS.assigntapplyDS.assign called by ds.tapply.assign
uniqueDSApplies the 'unique' method to a server-side variable.
unListDSunListDS a serverside assign function called by ds.unList
varDSComputes the variance of vector
vectorDSCreates a vector on the server-side.
datashield/dsBase documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:01 p.m.