lsDS: lists all objects on a serverside environment

View source: R/lsDS.R

lsDSR Documentation

lists all objects on a serverside environment


creates a list of the names of all of the objects in a specified serverside environment


lsDS(search.filter = NULL,



either NULL or a character string (potentially including '*' wildcards) specifying required search criteria. This argument is fully specified by its corresponding argument in the clientside function.

integer (e.g. in a format such as '2' or '5L' format) specifying the position in the search path of the environment to be explored. This argument is fully specified by its corresponding argument in the clientside function.


Serverside aggregate function lsDS called by clientside function When running analyses one may want to know the objects already generated. This request is not disclosive as it only returns the names of the objects and not their contents. By default, objects in the current 'active analytic environment' (".GlobalEnv") will be displayed. This is the environment that contains all of the objects that serverside DataSHIELD is using for the main analysis or has written out to the serverside during the process of managing or undertaking the analysis (variables, scalars, matrices, data.frames etc). For further details see help for function and for native R function ls


a list containing: (1) the name/details of the serverside R environment which has searched; (2) a vector of character strings giving the names of all objects meeting the naming criteria specified by the argument <search.filter> in this specified R serverside environment; (3) the nature of the search filter string as it was actually applied


Gaye, A (2015). Updated and extended by Paul Burton (2020).

datashield/dsBase documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:01 p.m.