ranksSecureDS4: Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all...

View source: R/ranksSecureDS4.R

ranksSecureDS4R Documentation

Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources


Creates a data frame "sR8.df" by cbinding the data frame "blackBox.ranks.df" with the global ranks and global quantiles vectors in "global.ranks.quantiles.df". Performs QA on this matrix and orders the sR8.df data frame according to the argument <ranks.sort.by> in ds.ranksSecure





a character string taking two possible values. These are "ID.orig" and "vals.orig". These define the order in which the output.ranks.df and summary.output.ranks.df data frames are presented. This argument is set by the argument with the same name in ds.ranksSecure. Default value is "ID.orig".


Severside assign function called by ds.ranksSecure. Creates a data frame "sR8.df" by cbinding the data frame "blackBox.ranks.df" with the global ranks and global quantiles vectors in "global.ranks.quantiles.df". Checks that all components of sR8.df have the correct dimensions and are consistent in their ordering. If either the number of rows or the order of the rows are inconsistent with those in "blackBox.ranks.df" an error message is returned and the processing stops. If sR8.df passes all QA tests it is written to the serverside as a data frame with its name identified by the argument <output.ranks.df> in ds.ranksSecure. If that argument is NULL or unspecified the data frame is called "main.ranks.df". The ranksSecureDS4 function also orders the combined data frame (<output.ranks.df>) in one of two ways: if the argument <ranks.sort.by> in ds.ranksSecure is set to "ID.orig" the combined data frame is ordered in the same way as the original V2BR vector; if the argument <ranks.sort.by> is set to vals.orig" the combined data frame is ordered by the magnitude of the values of V2BR (ascending). Having created the data frame (<output.ranks.df>) in this manner it can now be directly cbinded to either the V2BR vector itself or to a data frame, tibble or matrix containing V2BR (assuming they are also in the order corresponding to the argument <ranks.sort.by>) and this combined object can be used as the basis of analysis based on the global ranks or quantiles including a range of types of non-parametric analysis.


Creates the data frame identified by the name given by the argument (<output.ranks.df>) of the ds.ranksSecure function and writes it to the serverside. If the argument <output.ranks.df> is NULL or unspecified the output data frame is called "main.ranks.df". The data frame is ordered according to the argument <ranks.sort.by> in ds.ranksSecure.


Paul Burton 9th November, 2021

datashield/dsBase documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:01 p.m.