rNormDS: rNormDS serverside assign function

rNormDSR Documentation

rNormDS serverside assign function


primary serverside assign function called by ds.rNorm


rNormDS(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, force.output.to.k.decimal.places = 9)



length of the pseudorandom number vector to be generated as specified by the argument <samp.size> in the function ds.rNorm


this specifies the mean of the pseudorandom number vector to be generated as specified by the argument <mean> in the function ds.rNorm. May be a scalar or a vector allowing the mean to vary from observation to observation.


this specifies the standard deviation of the pseudorandom number vector to be generated as specified by the argument <sd> in the function ds.rNorm May be a scalar or a vector allowing the sd to vary from observation to observation.


scalar integer. Forces the output random number vector to have k decimal places. If 0 rounds it coerces decimal random number output to integer, a k in range 1-8 forces output to have k decimal places. If k = 9, no rounding occurs of native output. Default=9. Value specified by <force.output.to.k.decimal.places> argument in ds.rNorm


Generates the vector of pseudorandom numbers from a normal distribution in each data source as specified by the arguments of ds.rNorm. This serverside function is effectively the same as the function rnorm() in native R and its arguments are the same.


Writes the pseudorandom number vector with the characteristics specified in the function call as a new serverside vector on the data source on which it has been called. Also returns key information to the clientside: the random seed as specified by you in each source + (if requested) the full 626 length random seed vector this generated in each source (see info for the argument <return.full.seed.as.set>). It also returns a vector reporting the length of the pseudorandom vector created in each source.


Paul Burton for DataSHIELD Development Team

datashield/dsBase documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:01 p.m.