Man pages for david-borchers/LT2D
Line transect estimation in two dimensions

calc.lparsCalculates scaling parameters required by 'sim.n'
coveragepCalculate coverage probabilities of \hat p for simulated data
dolphin.datDolphin line transect survey data.
ep1Three-parameter exponential power hazard detection function
ep2Four-parameter exponential power hazard detection function
fityxMaximum likelihood estimation for unknown hazard and...
fityxOptimxMaximum likelihood estimation for unknown hazard and...
fNameFinderFind a function name when the function is passed as an...
fyxWaiting distance pdf
ghyDetection hazard function 'ghy' prob(detect | available at...
ghy2Detection hazard function 'ghy2' prob(detect | available at...
GoFxGoodness-of-fit in perpendicular dimension.
GoFyGoodness-of-Fit in the forward direction (y)
h1Detection hazard function 'h1' prob(detect | available at... conversion for Hayes+Buckland hazard rate model.
h2Detection hazard function 'h2' prob(detect | available at...
h21Hazard detection function of form 'h2' with g(0)<1
HBhrHayes+Buckland hazard rate model.
h.constDetection hazard function 'h.const' prob(detect | available...
h.exp2Detection hazard function 'h.exp2' prob(detect | available at...
h.okamuraDetection hazard function of Hiroshi et al. (2003) #' harzard rate perpendicular distance function from... harzard rate perpendicular distance function from... HR perp dist function from hazard
ip0Inverse power hazard detection function
ip1Three-parameter inverse power hazard detection function
ip2Four-parameter inverse power hazard detection function
LT2D-packageLine transect estimation in two dimensions
modSelectAIC-based model selection for models fitted using fitxy
negloglik.yxNegative log-likelihood for forward distance and...
openGraphFunction to open an operating system specific graphics...
phatCalculate effective strip width
phatIntervalCalculates coverage probabilities of \hat p
phatModelsCalculate \hat p and optionally \hat N for a list of models
pi.chnormComplementary half-normal form for perpendicular animal...
pi.constUniform perpendicular animal density function
pi.hnormHalf-normal form for perpendicular animal density function
pi.hr1Perpendicular animal density function calulated from hazard...
pi.hr2Perpendicular animal density function calulated from hazard...
pi.normTruncated normal form for perpendicular animal density...
p.kolomogarovKolmogarov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit p-value.
plotFitPlot the 2D fit of a model
plotfit.smoothfyPlot smooth fitted f(y) and forward distance distribution for...
plotfit.xPlot fitted hazard and perpendicular denisty distribution
plotfit.yPlot fitted f(y) and forward distance distribution
plotSimPlot the simulated positions
plotSimNotUsedPlot the simulated positions
poisintNHPP intensity calculation in region
p.pi.xProduct of p(x) and pi(x)
primate.datPrimate line transect survey data.
pxNumerical calculation of perpendicular detection function...
sim.nSimulate n sightings from NHPP
simnhPPSimulate forward distances
simulatorSimulate observations and fit a model
simXYSimulate sightings given a known perpendicular density...
simXY2Data simulator
SyCalculates survivor function
yDistForgDetermine minimum forward distance for simulated data that...
david-borchers/LT2D documentation built on Aug. 17, 2020, 1:37 a.m.