
#' \code{workplanr} package
#' The \code{workplanr} package is a SQLite dabase wrapper to plan concurrent projects with phases and deadlines.
#' It in intended for project manaers who need to track dealdlines and stff loads across multiple projects.
#' It is aimed to be a lightweight simple to use projec management tool to avoid the need for small teams to invest 
#' in large expensive project management tool infrastructure.
#' To build a workplan, the user needs to set the following project inputs
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{staff} A data frame of staff_name and staff capacity
#' \item Producing finalised charts for layout
#' \item Producing maps in IEP colours
#' }
#' These functions are intended to produce pdfs that are importable into illustrator
#' making the layout for comms much easier.
#' @section Installation:
#' #' # Then you need devtools installed
#' \code{install.packages('devtools')}
#' # Now you can install from github 
#' \code{devtools::install_github('hammond/workplar')}
#' \code{library(workplanr)}
#' @name workplanr-package
#' @aliases workplanr
#' @title IEP charting functions for R
#' @author David Hammond \email{anotherdavidhammond@gmail.com}
#' @name workplanr
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @importFrom grDevices grey
#' @importFrom methods new slot slot<- slotNames
#' @keywords package

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c( "date_type",
                                                         "phase_end phase_start",
                                                         "day_shift"), add = FALSE)
david-hammond/workplanr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:25 a.m.