
#' @title Set value of component \code{VarNames} of an object \linkS4class{ImputationParam}
#' @description \code{setVarNames} assigns a character value to the component \code{VarNames}  of
#' the input object \linkS4class{ImputationParam}.
#' @param object Object \linkS4class{ImputationParam} whose component \code{VarNames} is to be
#' assigned.
#' @param value character vector to be assigned to the component \code{VarNames}.
#' @return Object \linkS4class{ImputationParam} with the component \code{VarNames} updated.
#' @export
setGeneric("setVarNames<-", function(object, value){standardGeneric("setVarNames<-")})
#' @rdname setVarNames
#' @export
  f = "setVarNames",
  signature = c("ImputationParam","character"),
  function(object, value){
    object@VarNames <- value
david-salgado/StQImputation documentation built on July 31, 2019, 11:33 p.m.