
# Hadley rules out hash as not helpful: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/ggplot2/JEvC86l_otA/i7k0yTDt2_UJ
# vdiffr says may not be useful for sf objects - which is everything here :-(

# for the moment, limit to testing that the maps return ggplot objects, without fail

NZ_coast <- hm_get_test("coast")
NZ_buffer30 <- hm_get_test("buffer")
NZ_routes <- hm_get_test("route")
NZ_Buller <- hm_get_test("nofly")

test_that("Route mapping", {
  airports <- make_airports(crs = crs_Pacific, warn = FALSE)
  # speed map
  expect_silent(z <- map_routes(NZ_coast, NZ_routes,
                               crs = crs_Pacific,
  expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z))

  # aircraft map
  expect_silent(z <- map_routes(NZ_coast, NZ_routes,
                                 crs = crs_Pacific,
  expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z))

   # time advantage - auto calculated
  # add a no-fly zone to test those lines - even if routes ignore it
 expect_silent(z <- map_routes(NZ_coast, NZ_routes,
                                crs = crs_Pacific,
                               avoid_map = NZ_Buller))
 expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z))

 # circuity - auto calculated - on crs_Atlantic
 expect_silent(z <- map_routes(NZ_coast, NZ_routes,
                                crs = crs_Pacific,
                                show_route = "circuity"))
 expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z))

 # time advantage calculated explicitly + frills
 rtes <- summarise_routes(NZ_routes, airports) %>%
   st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
   select(fullRouteID, advantage_h)
 routes <- NZ_routes %>%
   filter(!is.na(phase)) %>% # remove non-routes
   left_join(rtes, by = "fullRouteID") %>%
 expect_silent(z <- map_routes(NZ_coast, routes,
                              crs = crs_Pacific,
                              fat_map = NZ_buffer30,
                              ap_loc = airports,
                              refuel_airports =
                                airports %>% filter(APICAO=="NZWN"),
                              crow = TRUE,
                              route_envelope = TRUE))
 expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z))

 # flights or seats plot
 fc <- NZ_routes %>%
   st_drop_geometry() %>%
   filter(!is.na(phase)) %>% # remove non-routes
   select(fullRouteID, acID) %>%
   distinct() %>%
   ungroup() %>%
   mutate(flights = 1:n()) # an arbitrary value
 expect_silent(z <- map_routes(NZ_coast, routes,
                               crs = crs_Pacific,
                               show_route = "traffic",
                               fat_map = NZ_buffer30,
                               ap_loc = airports,
                               forecast = fc, fc_var = "flights", fc_text = "flights per week",
                               refuel_airports =
                                 airports %>% filter(APICAO=="NZWN")))
 expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z))
 # and check if the fc_var is wrong
 expect_error(z <- map_routes(NZ_coast, routes,
                              crs = crs_Pacific,
                              show_route = "traffic",
                              fat_map = NZ_buffer30,
                              ap_loc = airports,
                              forecast = fc, fc_var = "bananas", fc_text = "bananas per week",
                              refuel_airports =
                                airports %>% filter(APICAO=="NZWN")))

test_that("can plot flight profile", {
  expect_silent(z <- profile_routes(NZ_routes |> filter(.data$routeID == "NZAA<>NZCH")))
  expect_true("list" %in% class(z)) # returns a list
  expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z[[1]][[1]])) # buried in the cowplot
  # and other parameter options - long
  expect_silent(z <- profile_routes(NZ_routes |> filter(.data$routeID == "NZAA<>NZQN"),
                                    yvar = "long"))
  expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z[[1]][[1]])) # buried in the cowplot
  # and other parameter options - hours (explicit)
  expect_silent(z <- profile_routes(NZ_routes |> filter(.data$routeID == "NZAA<>NZQN"),
                                    yvar = "hour"))
  expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z[[1]][[1]])) # buried in the cowplot
  # if too many routes
  expect_warning(z <- profile_routes(NZ_routes,
                                     yvar = "hour", n_max = 3))
  expect_true("ggplot" %in% class(z[[1]][[1]])) # buried in the cowplot

test_that("can make range envelope", {
  airports <- make_airports(crs = crs_Atlantic, warn = FALSE)
  aircraft <- make_aircraft(warn = FALSE)
  # test only a sample of points
  # wkt seems to be machine-dependent so test fails on windows
  # so strip out the values only
  expect_snapshot_value(himach:::make_range_envelope(aircraft[1, ],
                                                envelope_points = 20) |>
                     style = "serialize",
                     tolerance = 0.05)

david6marsh/himach documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 6:43 p.m.