


#' algo_1110 (R6 class)
#' @description The logical algorithm with truth table 1110 implemented as a NAND-composite.
#' @section Graph:
#' {\figure{algo_1110_graph.png}{Graph of the algorithm}}
#' @section Truth table:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \strong{input} \tab \strong{output}\cr
#' 00 \tab 1\cr
#' 10 \tab 1\cr
#' 01 \tab 1\cr
#' 11 \tab 0
#' @examples a <- algo_1110$new();
#' a$plot();
#' a$exec("10");
#' @param algo_id A technical unique identifier for the algorithmic node. If missing, a GUID will be created. (character)
#' @param label A meaningful label for the algorithmic node. Keep it short to let it display properly on graph plots. Default: "NAND". (character)
#' @param ... For future usage.
#' @return An object instance of class algo_10:algo_composite:algo_base.
#' @export
algo_1110 <- R6Class(
  inherit = algo_composite,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(
      algo_id = NULL,
      label = NULL,
      ...) {
      dim_i <- 2;
      dim_o <- 1;
      if(is.null(label)){ label <- "TT1110"; }
        dim_i = dim_i,
        dim_o = dim_o,
        algo_id = algo_id); #,
      #label = label,

      # Apply NAND to the two input bits.
      nand1 <- self$add_nand(self, "i1", self, "i2");

      # Pipe the final output.
      self$set_dag_edge(nand1, "o1", self, "o1");
    do_randomize_outputs = function() {
      stop("Not supported");
daviddoret/haricot documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:42 a.m.