coef.egf | Extract Coefficients and Random Effect Covariance Parameters |
confint.egf | Confidence Intervals |
cov2theta | Compute a Packed Representation of a Covariance Matrix |
covid19.ontario | COVID-19 in Ontario, Canada |
df.residual.egf | Extract the Residual Degrees of Freedom |
egf | Fit Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models of Epidemic Growth |
egf-class | Description of Objects of Class 'egf' |
egf_control | Define Control Parameters |
egf_control_plot | Define Control Parameters for Plotting |
egf_has_converged | Test for Convergence |
egf_has_random | Test for Random Effects |
egf_model | Define a Top Level Nonlinear Model |
egf_optimizer | Define an Optimization Method |
egf_parallel | Define a Parallelization Method |
egf_prior | Prior Distributions |
egf_shiny | Installed Shiny Applications |
egf_top | Top Level Nonlinear Model Parameter Names |
epigrowthfit-defunct | Defunct Functions in Package 'epigrowthfit' |
epigrowthfit-deprecated | Deprecated Functions in Package 'epigrowthfit' |
epigrowthfit-notyet | Not Yet Implemented Functions in Package 'epigrowthfit' |
epigrowthfit-package | R Package 'epigrowthfit' |
extractAIC.egf | Extract the (Generalized) AIC |
finalsize | Compute the Expected Epidemic Final Size |
fitted.egf | Fitted Values |
fixef.egf | Details about Fixed Effect Coefficients |
formula.egf | Extract Model Formulae |
getCall.egf | Extract Model Calls |
gi | Generation Interval Distribution |
logLik.egf | Extract the Log (Marginal) Likelihood |
model.frame.egf | Extract Model Frames |
model.matrix.egf | Extract Design Matrices |
nobs.egf | Extract the Number of Observations |
plot.egf | Plot Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models of Epidemic Growth |
predict.egf | Predicted Values |
print.egf | Printing Model Objects |
profile.egf | Univariate Likelihood Profiles |
R0 | Compute the Basic Reproduction Number |
ranef.egf | Details about Random Effect Coefficients |
simulate.egf | Simulation and Parametric Bootstrapping |
simulate.egf_model | Simulating Incidence Time Series |
summary.egf | Model Summaries |
terms.egf | Model Terms |
timescale | Compute the Characteristic Time Scale |
vcov.egf | Model Covariance Matrices |
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