coef.egf: Extract Coefficients and Random Effect Covariance Parameters

View source: R/coef.R

coef.egfR Documentation

Extract Coefficients and Random Effect Covariance Parameters


Extracts the bottom level parameter vector c(beta, theta, b) or a subset. Segments beta, theta, and b contain (respectively) fixed effect coefficients, random effect covariance parameters, and random effect coefficients.


## S3 method for class 'egf'
coef(object, random = FALSE, full = FALSE, ...)



an egf object.


a logical. If FALSE, then segment b is excluded.


a logical. If FALSE, then mapped elements are excluded, and the result is called “condensed”.


unused optional arguments.


A numeric vector concatenating beta, theta, and b, without b if random = FALSE and without mapped elements if full = FALSE.

Attribute len is a named integer vector partitioning the result by segment.

Attribute map is a named list of integer vectors i such that that a full segment y and its condensed counterpart x are related by y = x[i], with the exception that i[j] is NA if y[j] is mapped to an initial value. NULL is used in place of an integer vector where x and y are identical.

The result inherits from class coef.egf, which has methods for print, as.list, and labels.

See Also

The generic function coef.


example("egf", package = "epigrowthfit")

for (random in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
    for (full in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
        cat(sprintf("random = %s, full = %s :\n\n", random, full))
        str(coef(m1, random = random, full = full))

davidearn/epigrowthfit documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 12:44 p.m.