simulate.egf: Simulation and Parametric Bootstrapping

View source: R/simulate.R

simulate.egfR Documentation

Simulation and Parametric Bootstrapping


Simulates incidence data conditional on a fitted nonlinear mixed effects model of epidemic growth. Optionally re-estimates the model given the simulated data, thus generating samples from the conditional distribution of the bottom level parameter vector.


## S3 method for class 'egf'
simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL,
         bootstrap = FALSE,
         control = list(), parallel = egf_parallel(),
         trace = FALSE, ...)



an egf object.


a positive integer indicating a number of replications.


an integer used to set the RNG state before simulation or, otherwise, NULL; see simulate.


a logical. If TRUE, then a bootstrapping step is performed.


passed to nlminb.


an egf_parallel object defining options for R level parallelization.


a logical. If TRUE, then basic tracing messages indicating progress are printed. These may be mixed with optimizer output depending on object[["control"]][["trace"]].


additional arguments passed from or to other methods.


Bootstrap optimizations are typically expensive for nontrivial models. They are parallelized at the C++ level when there is OpenMP support and object[["control"]][["omp_num_threads"]] is set to an integer greater than 1. When there is no OpenMP support, they can still be parallelized at the R level with appropriate setting of argument parallel.

Arguments control, parallel, and trace are unused when bootstrap = FALSE.


A list inheriting from class simulate.egf, with elements:


a data frame containing simulated incidence data. It has variables ts, window, time, and X, where X is a numeric matrix with nsim columns. It corresponds rowwise to model.frame(object).


a numeric matrix with nsim columns, each a sample from the conditional distribution of the parameter vector represented by coef(object). NULL if the method call did not set bootstrap = TRUE.

Attribute RNGstate preserves the RNG state prior to simulation, making the result reproducible.

See Also

The generic function simulate.


example("egf", package = "epigrowthfit")

zz <- simulate(m2, nsim = 6L, seed = 181952L, bootstrap = TRUE)

matplot(t(zz[["bootstrap"]][!m2[["random"]], ]),
        type = "o", las = 1, xlab = "simulation", ylab = "value")

davidearn/epigrowthfit documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 12:44 p.m.