body_add_flextable: Add flextable into a Word document

View source: R/body_add_flextable.R

body_add_flextableR Documentation

Add flextable into a Word document


Add a flextable into a Word document created with 'officer'.


  align = NULL,
  pos = "after",
  split = NULL,
  topcaption = TRUE,
  keepnext = NULL



an rdocx object


flextable object


left, center (default) or right. The align parameter is still supported for the time being, but we recommend using set_flextable_defaults(table_align = "center") instead that will set this default alignment for all flextables during the R session, or to define alignement for each table with set_table_properties(align = "center").


where to add the flextable relative to the cursor, one of "after", "before", "on" (end of line).


set to TRUE if you want to activate Word option 'Allow row to break across pages'. This argument is still supported for the time being, but we recommend using set_flextable_defaults(split = TRUE) instead that will set this as default setting for all flextables during the R session, or to define alignement for each table with set_table_properties() with argument opts_word=list(split = TRUE) instead.


if TRUE caption is added before the table, if FALSE, caption is added after the table.


Defunct in favor of paginate(). The default value used for keep_with_next is set with set_flextable_defaults(keep_with_next = TRUE).


Use the paginate() function to define whether the table should be displayed on one or more pages, and whether the header should be displayed with the first lines of the table body on the same page.

Use the set_caption() function to define formatted captions (with as_paragraph()) or simple captions (with a string). topcaption can be used to insert the caption before the table (default) or after the table (use FALSE).

See Also

knit_print.flextable(), save_as_docx()



# define global settings
  split = TRUE,
  table_align = "center",
  table.layout = "autofit"

# produce 3 flextable
ft_1 <- flextable(head(airquality, n = 20))
ft_1 <- color(ft_1, i = ~ Temp > 70, color = "red", j = "Temp")
ft_1 <- highlight(ft_1, i = ~ Wind < 8, color = "yellow", j = "Wind")
ft_1 <- set_caption(
  x = ft_1,
  autonum = run_autonum(seq_id = "tab"),
  caption = "Daily air quality measurements"
ft_1 <- paginate(ft_1, init = TRUE, hdr_ftr = TRUE)

ft_2 <- proc_freq(mtcars, "vs", "gear")
ft_2 <- set_caption(
  x = ft_2,
  autonum = run_autonum(seq_id = "tab", bkm = "mtcars"),
  caption = as_paragraph(
    as_b("mtcars"), " ",
    colorize("table", color = "orange")
  fp_p = fp_par(keep_with_next = TRUE)
ft_2 <- paginate(ft_2, init = TRUE, hdr_ftr = TRUE)

ft_3 <- summarizor(iris, by = "Species")
ft_3 <- as_flextable(ft_3, spread_first_col = TRUE)
ft_3 <- set_caption(
  x = ft_3,
  autonum = run_autonum(seq_id = "tab"),
  caption = "iris summary"
ft_3 <- paginate(ft_3, init = TRUE, hdr_ftr = TRUE)

# add the 3 flextable in a new Word document
doc <- read_docx()
doc <- body_add_flextable(doc, value = ft_1)
doc <- body_add_par(doc, value = "")
doc <- body_add_flextable(doc, value = ft_2)
doc <- body_add_par(doc, value = "")
doc <- body_add_flextable(doc, value = ft_3)

fileout <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
print(doc, target = fileout)

davidgohel/flextable documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 4:10 a.m.