Man pages for davidgohel/officer
Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents

add_sheetAdd a sheet
add_slideAdd a slide
annotate_basePlaceholder parameters annotation
as.matrix.rpptxPowerPoint table to matrix
block_captionCaption block
block_listList of blocks
block_pour_docxExternal Word document placeholder
block_sectionSection for 'Word'
block_tableTable block
block_tocTable of content for 'Word'
body_addAdd content into a Word document
body_add_blocksAdd a list of blocks into a 'Word' document
body_add_breakAdd a page break in a 'Word' document
body_add_captionAdd Word caption in a 'Word' document
body_add_docxAdd an external docx in a 'Word' document
body_add_fparAdd fpar in a 'Word' document
body_add_ggAdd a 'ggplot' in a 'Word' document
body_add_imgAdd an image in a 'Word' document
body_add_parAdd paragraphs of text in a 'Word' document
body_add_plotAdd plot in a 'Word' document
body_add_tableAdd table in a 'Word' document
body_add_tocAdd table of content in a 'Word' document
body_add_xmlAdd an xml string as document element
body_bookmarkAdd bookmark in a 'Word' document
body_commentAdd comment in a 'Word' document
body_end_block_sectionAdd any section
body_end_section_columnsAdd multi columns section
body_end_section_columns_landscapeAdd a landscape multi columns section
body_end_section_continuousAdd continuous section
body_end_section_landscapeAdd landscape section
body_end_section_portraitAdd portrait section
body_removeRemove an element in a 'Word' document
body_replace_all_textReplace text anywhere in the document
body_replace_gg_at_bkmAdd plots at bookmark location in a 'Word' document
body_replace_text_at_bkmReplace text at a bookmark location
body_set_default_sectionDefine Default Section
change_stylesReplace styles in a 'Word' Document
color_schemeColor scheme of a PowerPoint file
cursorSet cursor in a 'Word' document
doc_propertiesRead document properties
docx_body_relationshipBody xml document
docx_body_xmlBody xml document
docx_bookmarksList Word bookmarks
docx_commentsGet comments in a Word document as a data.frame
docx_current_block_xmlxml element on which cursor is
docx_dim'Word' page layout
docx_reference_imgadd images into an rdocx object
docx_set_character_styleAdd character style in a Word document
docx_set_paragraph_styleAdd or replace paragraph style in a Word document
docx_show_chunkShow underlying text tag structure
docx_summaryGet Word content in a data.frame
empty_contentEmpty block for 'PowerPoint'
external_imgExternal image
fortify_locationEval a location on the current slide
fparFormatted paragraph
fp_borderBorder properties object
fp_cellCell formatting properties
fp_parParagraph formatting properties
fp_tabTabulation mark properties object
fp_tabsTabs properties object
fp_textText formatting properties
ftextFormatted chunk of text
get_reference_valueGet the document being used as a template
hyperlink_ftextFormatted chunk of text with hyperlink
image_to_base64Images to base64
layout_dedupe_ph_labelsDetect and handle duplicate placeholder labels
layout_propertiesSlide layout properties
layout_summaryPresentation layouts summary
length.rdocxNumber of blocks inside an rdocx object
length.rpptxNumber of slides
media_extractExtract media from a document object
move_slideMove a slide
notes_location_labelLocation of a named placeholder for notes
notes_location_typeLocation of a placeholder for notes
officerManipulate Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents with...
officer-defunctDefunct Functions in Package officer
officer_url_encodeofficer url encoder
on_slideChange current slide
opts_current_tableTable options in a 'knitr' context
pack_foldercompress a folder
page_marPage margins object
page_sizePage size object
ph_hyperlinkHyperlink a placeholder
ph_locationLocation for a placeholder from scratch
ph_location_fullsizeLocation of a full size element
ph_location_labelLocation of a named placeholder
ph_location_leftLocation of a left body element
ph_location_rightLocation of a right body element
ph_location_templateLocation for a placeholder based on a template
ph_location_typeLocation of a placeholder based on a type
ph_removeRemove a shape
ph_slidelinkSlide link to a placeholder
ph_withAdd objects on the current slide
plot_instrWrap plot instructions for png plotting in Powerpoint or Word
plot_layout_propertiesSlide layout properties plot
pptx_summaryPowerPoint content in a data.frame
print.rpptxWrite a 'PowerPoint' file.
print.rtfWrite an 'RTF' document to a file
prop_sectionSection properties
prop_tableTable properties
read_docxCreate a 'Word' document object
read_pptxCreate a 'PowerPoint' document object
read_xlsxCreate an 'Excel' document object
remove_slideRemove a slide
rtf_addAdd content into an RTF document
rtf_docCreate an RTF document object
run_autonumAuto number
run_bookmarkBookmark for 'Word'
run_columnbreakColumn break for 'Word'
run_commentComment for 'Word'
run_footnoteFootnote for 'Word'
run_footnoterefWord footnote reference
run_linebreakPage break for 'Word'
run_pagebreakPage break for 'Word'
run_referenceCross reference
run_tabTab for 'Word'
run_word_field'Word' computed field
run_wordtextWord chunk of text with a style
sanitize_imagesRemove unused media from a document
section_columnsSection columns
set_autonum_bookmarkUpdate bookmark of an autonumber run
set_doc_propertiesSet document properties
set_notesSet notes for current slide
shape_properties_tagspptx tags for visual and non visual properties
sheet_selectSelect sheet
shortcutsshortcuts for formatting properties
slide_sizeSlides width and height
slide_summarySlide content in a data.frame
sp_lineLine properties
sp_lineendLine end properties
str_encode_to_rtfEncode UTF8 string to RTF
styles_infoRead 'Word' styles
table_colwidthsColumn widths of a table
table_conditional_formattingTable conditional formatting
table_layoutAlgorithm for table layout
table_stylenamesParagraph styles for columns
table_widthPreferred width for a table
to_htmlConvert officer objects to HTML
to_pmlConvert officer objects to PresentationML
to_rtfConvert officer objects to RTF
to_wmlConvert officer objects to WordprocessingML
unordered_listUnordered list
unpack_folderExtract files from a zip file
uuid_generategenerates unique identifiers
wml_link_imagestransform an xml string with images references
davidgohel/officer documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 6:18 a.m.