ftext: Formatted chunk of text

View source: R/ooxml_run_objects.R

ftextR Documentation

Formatted chunk of text


Format a chunk of text with text formatting properties (bold, color, ...). The function allows you to create pieces of text formatted the way you want.


ftext(text, prop = NULL)



text value, a single character value


formatting text properties returned by fp_text. It also can be NULL in which case, no formatting is defined (the default is applied).


You can use this function in conjunction with fpar to create paragraphs consisting of differently formatted text parts. You can also use this function as an r chunk in an R Markdown document made with package officedown.

See Also


Other run functions for reporting: external_img(), hyperlink_ftext(), run_autonum(), run_bookmark(), run_columnbreak(), run_comment(), run_footnote(), run_footnoteref(), run_linebreak(), run_pagebreak(), run_reference(), run_tab(), run_word_field(), run_wordtext()


ftext("hello", fp_text())

properties1 <- fp_text(color = "red")
properties2 <- fp_text(bold = TRUE, shading.color = "yellow")
ftext1 <- ftext("hello", properties1)
ftext2 <- ftext("World", properties2)
paragraph <- fpar(ftext1, " ", ftext2)

x <- read_docx()
x <- body_add(x, paragraph)
print(x, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))

davidgohel/officer documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 6:18 a.m.