
Current Issues in STEM - EDCI 7430 {#7430}

Course Dates

Fall 2016 August 22 - December 8 Wednesday 4 - 7 PM

Course Description

This course, in a seminar format, exposes students to the current research, issues, and trends in STEM education. Students will self-select recent journal articles related to their individual research agenda, identify specific research areas, and prepare a literature review.

August 24

Reviewed STEM Investigation assignment and selected days for conducting STEM Investigation and Seminar presentation.

October 12 - STEM Investigation November 2 - Seminar presentation

STEM Investigation

Look at

My thought is to use something from L6S, helicopter or theory of constraints

Seminar Presentation

Choose an interesting Topic to research. You will need 5 research articles to reference. Tie back to stds.

Next week we will meet in class then head over to the library.

[^1]: ISTE has been downloaded to the doc folder

August 31

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