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Course Dates

Fall 2016 August 22 - December 8 Wednesday 7 - 10 PM

Course Description

Addresses public writing and presentation skills. This course begins with the study of creating case studies as well as reading, interpreting and discussing case studies. Part 2 would focus on dissertation writing and other textual forms including press releases, speeches, newsletters, and grants. Part 3 would focus on developing skills for speaking and listening effectively with different audiences, as well as the effective use of technology in presentations. Part 4 would focus on managing interactions with the media; e.g., interviews for print, radio and television. Teaching strategies would include case studies, readings, simulations and skills development experiences.

August 24

Focused on chapters 1 and 2 in the book. More about setting yourself up for success in writing your dissertation. Get familiar with APA 6.

Discussed the importance of following the model diagram in blackboard. Review and download.

Came up with a start of potential questions

  1. What benefits has experiments conducted on the ISS provided to STEM education? a. How has it impacted research segments, i.e., the Map of Science? [^1] b. How does it help teachers in the classroom? c. What impact has it had on the students?
  2. What impact has experiments conducted on ISS had in the population? a. Economic (patent portfolio value, technology spinoff, etc.) b. Social and goodwill?

[^1]: Referring to Katy Borner's work

I sent them to Tara for review. Here is her reply:

Oooo these are good. What program are you in again? Is it PhD? Judy’s inquiring because she’s interested in growth like this too J

ISS has a few different goals for outcomes in a few different areas: Earth Benefits (mostly those are experiments done through CASIS as the National Lab > Manager), Basic knowledge, and Space Exploration. I’ve included some slides that we use a lot in public, so you may glean some info from there.

Take a look at this page, which is our Benefits for Humanity as well: We communicate the Benefits a little differently than the Results, though there are overlaps of course.

Economic evaluation of ISS outcomes is a big question but the problem is how to do that? That’s part of what our NRA is about. Julie’s writing a paper/plan with the ISS partnership that she might share with you if you explain where your interest is coming from.

With regard to Education, check out this: but also we put out in 2012 a huge publication about Education tracking on ISS and impacts. It’s in need of an update but we haven’t had the manpower.

For each of our investigations we do try to track education information. For example if you look at this investigation page (it’s NASA internal) there is a field where we capture Educational Activities.

Our biggest question is really how do you value the outcomes of ISS utilization? When others ask this question it’s usually in the form of “What has ISS done for me?” So far we haven’t had good tools or even complete data until recently to finally begin to answer those questions. Publication analysis is a big one (and the patents)…what you saw in the NRA is what we are after. In the past it’s been a combination of the Benefits for Humanity stories and Impact Factors of journals that contain ISS publications. We’re now looking for other ways, with your office’s help J

Ha, sorry for the long-winded response! There’s also plenty of communications efforts that we go through to share the word about ISS so people know what it’s doing for them. A possible research question: is the community receiving and digesting how we put information out there? That’s big and broad, but…

August 31

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