Man pages for davidnipperess/PDcalc
An implementation of the Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) calculus in R

bandicoot_tableA taxonomic table of living and recently extinct bandicoots
bandicoot_treePhylogenetic tree of living and recently extinct bandicoots
barrington_birdsA community data table of bird counts, Barrington Tops...
barrington_treePhylogenetic tree of birds of Barrington Tops National Park
bifurcatrAlgorithm to randomly resolve polytomies in a phylogenetic...
PDcalcPDcalc: a package for the PD calculus
phylocurveGenerate a rarefaction curve of Phylogenetic Diversity
phylodivPhylogenetic Diversity of ecological samples
phylodiv.estimateEstimate Phylogenetic Diversity from a sample
phylodiv.expectedExpected Phylogenetic Diversity of ecological samples
phylodiv.expect.securedExpected Phylogenetic Diversity from conservation of...
phyloendemismPhylogenetic Endemism of ecological samples
phylomatchrMatches taxa in a set of sites with the tips of a...
phyloprunrPruning algorithm to maximise Phylogenetic Diversity for a...
phyloprunr.probPruning algorithm to maximise gains in expected Phylogenetic...
phylorebeloGreedy algorithm optimising the accumulation of Phylogenetic...
phyloresemblPairwise resemblance in Phylogenetic Diversity of ecological...
treemakrConvert a table of taxonomic relationships into a...
davidnipperess/PDcalc documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 4:25 p.m.