barrington_tree: Phylogenetic tree of birds of Barrington Tops National Park

barrington_treeR Documentation

Phylogenetic tree of birds of Barrington Tops National Park


A phylogenetic tree of bird species observed in Barrington Tops National Park during a survey in November 2012. The tree has 41 tips corresponding to the bird species observed. The tree is a Maximum Clade Credibility tree extracted from the Bayesian supertree published by Jetz et al. (2012).




A phylo object, as used by the ape package. Branch lengths are scaled in millions of years since divergence events.


  • Chao A, Chiu CH, Hsieh TC, Davis T, Nipperess DA & Faith DP (2015) Rarefaction and extrapolation of phylogenetic diversity. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 6: 380-388.

  • Jetz W, Thomas GH, Joy JB, Hartmann K & Mooers AO (2012) The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444-448

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