barrington_birds: A community data table of bird counts, Barrington Tops...

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A community data table of bird counts, Barrington Tops National Park


A table of counts of birds across sites in Barrington Tops National Park, NSW, Australia. Data were collected in November 2012 from 29 points where all birds observed over a 30 minute period within a 50 metre radius were recorded.




A data.frame with a row for each site and a column for each species. Values are counts of each species in each site.


Chao A, Chiu CH, Hsieh TC, Davis T, Nipperess DA & Faith DP (2016) Rarefaction and extrapolation of phylogenetic diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 380-388.

davidnipperess/PDcalc documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 4:25 p.m.