
test_that("recode returns original values when run with null definitions", {
  expect_equal(def_recode(1:10, NULL), 1:10)

test_that("recode works with definitions produced by def_prep", {
  dict_basic <- tibble::tibble(variable   = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C"),
                               value      = c(1,   2,   1,   2,   1),
                               definition = c("cat", "dog", "fred", "george", "lonely"))

  def_basic <- def_prep(dict_basic, variable, value, definition, drop_solos = FALSE)

  vals_basic <- tibble::tibble(A = 1:3,
                               B = c(1, 1, 2),
                               C = c(1, 1, 1))

  # if .x includes values not present in your definitions, it should throw an error, but convert them to NAs if type would change
  expect_warning(recodeA <- def_recode(vals_basic$A, def_basic$A), "Unreplaced values")
  expect_equal(recodeA, c("cat", "dog", NA))
  expect_equal(def_recode(vals_basic$B, def_basic$B), c("fred", "fred", "george"))
  expect_equal(def_recode(vals_basic$C, def_basic$C), rep("lonely", 3))


test_that("default and missing values are passed through to recode correctly", {
  dict_basic <- tibble::tibble(variable   = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C"),
                               value      = c(1,   2,   1,   2,   1),
                               definition = c("cat", "dog", "fred", "george", "lonely"))

  def_basic <- def_prep(dict_basic, variable, value, definition, drop_solos = FALSE)

  vals_basic <- tibble::tibble(A = 1:3,
                               B = c(1, 2, NA),
                               C = c(1, 2, NA))

  expect_equal(def_recode(vals_basic$A, def_basic$A, .default = "fish"), c("cat", "dog", "fish"))
  expect_equal(def_recode(vals_basic$B, def_basic$B, .missing = "other"), c("fred", "george", "other"))
  expect_equal(def_recode(vals_basic$C, def_basic$C, .default = "another", .missing = "other"),
               c("lonely", "another", "other"))


test_that("arguments are passed through correctly from def_recode_pick to def_recode", {
  dict_basic <- tibble::tibble(variable   = c("A", "A", "A"),
                               value      = c(1,   2,   3),
                               definition = c("cat", "dog", "fish"))

  def_basic <- def_prep(dict_basic, variable, value, definition)

  expect_equal(def_recode_pick(1:3, "A", def_basic), c("cat", "dog", "fish"))
  expect_equal(def_recode_pick(1:4, "A", def_basic, .default = "other"),
               c("cat", "dog", "fish", "other"))
  expect_equal(def_recode_pick(c(1:3, NA), "A", def_basic, .missing = "other2"),
               c("cat", "dog", "fish", "other2"))
  expect_equal(def_recode_pick(1:3, "Z", def_basic), 1:3)
davisadamw/definer documentation built on March 11, 2020, 4:14 a.m.