fdata: Format a data frame or tibble

View source: R/fdata.R

fdataR Documentation

Format a data frame or tibble


The fdata function applies formatting attributes to the entire data frame.


fdata(x, ...)



A data frame or tibble to be formatted.


Any follow-on parameters to the format function.


If formats are assigned to the "format" attributes of the data frame columns, the fdata function will apply those formats to the specified columns, and return a new, formatted data frame. Formats can be specified as formatting strings, named vectors, user-defined formats, or vectorized formatting functions. The fdata function will apply the format to the associated column data using the fapply function. A format can also be specified as a formatting list of the previous four types. See the fapply function for additional information.

After formatting each column, the fdata function will call the base R format function on the data frame. Any follow on parameters will be sent to the format function.

The fdata function will also apply any width or justify attributes assigned to the data frame columns. These attributes can be controlled at the column level. Using attributes to assign formatting and fdata to apply those attributes gives you a great deal of control over how your data is presented.


A new, formatted data frame or tibble with the formats applied.

See Also

fcat to create a format catalog, fapply to apply a format to a vector, value to define a format object, fattr to assign formatting specifications to a single column/vector, and the formats, widths, and justification functions to get or set formatting for an entire data frame. Also see FormattingStrings for documentation on formatting strings.


# Construct data frame from state vectors
df <- data.frame(state = state.abb, area = state.area)[1:10, ]

# Calculate percentages
df$pct <- df$area / sum(state.area) * 100

# Before formatting 
#    state   area         pct
# 1     AL  51609  1.42629378
# 2     AK 589757 16.29883824
# 3     AZ 113909  3.14804973
# 4     AR  53104  1.46761040
# 5     CA 158693  4.38572418
# 6     CO 104247  2.88102556
# 7     CT   5009  0.13843139
# 8     DE   2057  0.05684835
# 9     FL  58560  1.61839532
# 10    GA  58876  1.62712846

# Create state name lookup list
name_lookup <- state.name
names(name_lookup) <- state.abb

# Assign formats
formats(df) <- list(state = name_lookup,                         
                    area  = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ","), 
                    pct   = "%.1f%%") 

# Apply formats
#          state    area   pct
# 1      Alabama  51,609  1.4%
# 2       Alaska 589,757 16.3%
# 3      Arizona 113,909  3.1%
# 4     Arkansas  53,104  1.5%
# 5   California 158,693  4.4%
# 6     Colorado 104,247  2.9%
# 7  Connecticut   5,009  0.1%
# 8     Delaware   2,057  0.1%
# 9      Florida  58,560  1.6%
# 10     Georgia  58,876  1.6%

dbosak01/fmtr documentation built on Jan. 28, 2025, 10:26 p.m.