widths: Get or set column widths for a data frame

View source: R/widths.R

widthsR Documentation

Get or set column widths for a data frame


The widths function extracts all assigned widths from a data frame, and returns them in a named list. The function also assigns widths from a named list.



widths(x) <- value



A data frame or tibble


A named list of widths. The widths must be positive integers greater than zero.


If widths are assigned to the "width" attributes of the data frame columns, the widths function will extract those widths. The function will return the widths in a named list, where the names correspond to the name of the column that the width was assigned to. If a column does not have a width attribute assigned, that column will not be included in the list.

When used on the receiving side of an assignment, the function will assign widths to a data frame. The widths should be in a named list, where each name corresponds to the data frame column to assign the width to.

Finally, if you wish to clear out the width attributes, assign a NULL value to the widths function.


A named list of widths. The widths must be positive integers greater than zero.

See Also

fdata to display formatted data, value to create user-defined formats, and fapply to apply formats to a vector.


# Take subset of data
df1 <- mtcars[1:5, c("mpg", "cyl") ]

# Print current state
#                    mpg cyl
# Mazda RX4         21.0   6
# Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6
# Datsun 710        22.8   4
# Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6
# Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8

# Assign widths
widths(df1) <- list(mpg = 12, cyl = 10) 

# Display formatted data
#                            mpg        cyl
# Mazda RX4                 21.0          6
# Mazda RX4 Wag             21.0          6
# Datsun 710                22.8          4
# Hornet 4 Drive            21.4          6
# Hornet Sportabout         18.7          8

# View assigned widths
# $mpg
# [1] 12
# $cyl
# [1] 10

# Clear widths
widths(df1) <- NULL

# Confirm widths are cleared
# list()

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