knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
knitr::knit_engines$set(julia = JuliaCall::eng_juliacall)



In the dimension reduction approach in the GJAM model, the species are clustered in their dependence behavior. In the extended model we can use the prior knowledge on the number of clusters in the GJAM model and obtain the cluster estimates.

Reproduce the results

To reproduce the analysis results, there are two possibilites:

  1. Run the fit_script.R, which will run and save the models in the folder "PCA analysis". This option could be time consuming.
  2. Download saved models from the following link models and load the models in the folder "PCA analysis/r5_models/chain_1"(2) on your local repository

The analysis results could be reproduced by the "analysis.R" script.

How to use the functions

Firstly, we describe the initial GJAM model and then describe how to specify the parameters for the prior. Full description of the GJAM model is provided in the GJAM package documentation and vignette

Dimension reduction in GJAM model was proposed by [1]. Dimension reduction is used in two ways:

The first case is used with default parameters. For the second case we need to specify the parameters for dimension reduction in reductList and add this parameters in the modelList.

y<- Bauges_plant[,3:(ncol(Bauges_plant))]
Y_data<- gjamTrimY(y,20)$y  ## trim the species that occur less then in 20 cites
X_data <- Bauges_plant[,1:2] # environmental covariates
S<- ncol(Y_data)  # number of species
formula <- as.formula( ~   PC1  + PC2 + I(PC1^2) + I(PC2^2))
iterations=50# number of iterations
burn_period=10  # burn-in period
r_reduct = 5      # rank of the covariance matrix approximation

For the standard dimension reduction regime in GJAM model version, parameters for reducltList and modelList need to be specified. In the reducltList

In the 'modelList'

rl <- list(r =r_reduct, N = S)
ml   <- list(ng = iterations, burnin = burn_period, typeNames = 'PA', reductList = rl,PREDICTX = F)
fit<-gjam(formula, xdata = X_data, ydata = Y_data, modelList = ml)

To incorporate prior knowledge in the model, we firstly speciify, the Bayesian nonparametric prior in the variable DRtype (see Table 1)

Then reducltList in this case will be In the reducltList

For the Pitman--Yor process as there are two parameters PY(α, σ), we specify the desired value of σ ∈ (0, 1). (in the current implementation).

Table 1. Dimension reduction types

| DRtype | Process type | Parameters | Priors on parameters | Parameters to specify | |:--------:|:------------:|:----------:|:------------------------------------:|----------------------------| | '-' | Dirichlet | α | none | none | | '1' | Dirichlet | α | Ga(ν1, ν2) | prior number of clusters K | | '2' | Pitman--Yor | (α, σ) | none | prior number of clusters K |

More precisely on the values of the parameter DRtype:

For the example, in the Bauges plant dataset , we take as a prior number of plant functional groups which is 16. If we want to take the Dirichlet process, then we use the following parameters for the reductList. Here, DRtype =1. The choice of N is equal to S is natural, as we consider any possible clustering and K is prior number of clusters.

rl1  <- list(r = r_reduct, N = S ,DRtype="1", K=16)  #prior is number of plant functional groups

For the Pitman--Yor process .Here, DRtype =2 and we specify K,and value of σ = 0.5 and the choice of N is the same.

rl2  <- list(r = r_reduct, N = S ,DRtype="2", K=16)  #prior is number of plant functional groups

For instance, we fit the model with the first specification

ml1   <- list(ng = iterations, burnin = burn_period, typeNames = 'PA', reductList = rl1,PREDICTX = F)
fit1<-gjam(formula, xdata = X_data, ydata = Y_data, modelList = ml1)

We get the fit1 gjam object. This object is the same as the one from the original model, except several additional parameters.

The function gjjamCluster estimates the optimal cluster,that summarize posterior cluster distribution. The function is build using the GreedyEPL package by [2]. It takes as the input * gjam object fitted model * K possible number of clusters for initialization of greedy search algorithm * Clustering used for prior specification

This function return the values

The estimated cluster with the smallest EPL_value best represent the posterior clustering distribution.


[1] Taylor-Rodriguez, D., Kaufeld, K., Schliep, E. M., Clark, J. S., and Gelfand, A. E. (2017). Joint species distribution modeling: dimension reduction using Dirichlet processes. Bayesian Analysis 12, 939–967

[2] Rastelli, R. and Friel, N., 2018. Optimal Bayesian estimators for latent variable cluster models. Statistics and computing, 28(6), pp.1169-1186.

dbystrova/GJAM_clust documentation built on Sept. 15, 2020, 5:46 p.m.