  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Any gtsummary table can be placed into a Shiny application. The trick is that the gtsummary must first be converted into a gt table using the gtsummary::as_gt() function. Once the table is a proper gt table, we can use the methods from the gt package to place the table in the Shiny app. Read more about creating Shiny applications with gt tables here:

Shiny Example

Below is an example of a Shiny app using the gtsummary package to provide dynamic patient characteristic summaries.


If the Shiny app has run out of its free server usage, see below for instructions on running the app locally on your machine.

# Shiny Code


To run this Shiny app locally on your machine, save the script above as app.R in a R Project, open in RStudio, and run the application.

ddsjoberg/gtsummary documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 11:42 a.m.