  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


The sm_predict() function calculates kernel-smoothed predictions from regression models (i.e. outputs from the predict() function). The following examples focus on time-to-event endpoints. The example data set is simulated from a Cox regression model.

$$ h(t) = h_0(t)e^{\textbf{X}\beta} $$

with $h_0(t) = 1$ and $\textbf{X}\beta = 0.02 * age - 0.2 * marker$. The independent variables age and marker are independent from one another. The example data set containts the following columns:

time    Years from cancer treatment to death
age     Age at treatment
marker  Marker level at treatment
survt1  True 1 year survival probability
# loading data from sjosmooth github page

cancertx %>% select(time, age, marker, survt1) %>% head() %>% knitr::kable()

The simualted data contains r nrow(cancertx) %>% format(big.mark = ",", scientific=FALSE) observations.

Example 1 - Univariate

Kernel smoothing can be computationally intense on large data sets. The following code was run to get the example object sm_regression_ex1 and the results saved to GitHub.

sm_predict_ex1 =
    data = cancertx,
    method = "coxph",
    formula = Surv(time) ~ marker,
    newdata = dplyr::data_frame(marker = seq(5, 15, 0.5), time = 1),
    type = "survival",
    verbose = TRUE

The data in the cancertx data frame was simulated from a Cox regression model with linear predictor.

$$ \textbf{X}\beta = 0.02 * age - 0.2 * marker $$

In the model age and marker level are independent, and therefore, the univariate model the slope coefficient for marker remains $\beta_{marker} = -0.2$

# loading data and example results from sjosmooth github page

ggplot(sm_predict_ex1, aes(x = marker, y = .fitted)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = .fitted.ll, ymax = .fitted.ul), alpha = 0.3) +
    data = cancertx %>% filter(marker >= 5 & marker <= 15),
    aes(x = marker, y = survt1_marker),
    linetype = "dashed"
  ) +
    y = "1 year survival probability"

The dashed line is the true one year survival, and the solid line is the estimated survival from sm_predict().

Example 2 - Multivariable

In this example, the 1 year survival will be estimated by both age and marker level. The following code was run in advance, and the results saved to GitHub.

sm_predict_ex2 <-
    data = cancertx,
    method = "coxph",
    formula = Surv(time) ~ marker + age,
    newdata =
        marker = seq(7, 13, 1),
        age = seq(20, 40, 2)
      ) %>%
        purrr::cross_df() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(time = 1),
    type = "survival",
    verbose = TRUE
# loading example results

# adding true risk to dataset, and calculating difference between estiamted and true rate
sm_predict_ex2 = 
  sm_predict_ex2 %>%
    survt1 = exp(-exp((1/50) * age - 0.2 * marker)),
    surv_diff = survt1 - .fitted

# plot histogram of differences between fitted and true
sm_predict_ex2 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = surv_diff)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 25) +
    title = "Difference Distribution",
    x = "Difference in estimated and true survival"

The code below will create a 3-D surface plot. The resulting HTML-widgets figures are too large to include in the package, however.

# library(plotly)
# # extracting unique values of independent variables
# age.seq =
#   sm_predict_ex2 %>%
#   select(age) %>%
#   distinct() %>%
#   arrange(age) %>%
#   pull()
# marker.seq =
#   sm_predict_ex2 %>%
#   select(marker) %>%
#   distinct() %>%
#   arrange(marker) %>%
#   pull()
# # Plotting the true survival probabilities
# sm_predict_ex2 %>%
#   select(marker, age, survt1) %>%
#   tidyr::spread(age, survt1) %>%
#   select(-marker) %>%
#   plot_ly(z = ~ as.matrix(.),
#           x = marker.seq,
#           y = age.seq) %>%
#   add_surface(showscale=FALSE) %>%
#   layout(
#     title = "True Risk of Death within 1 Year",
#     scene = list(
#       xaxis = list(title = "Marker"),
#       yaxis = list(title = "Age"),
#       zaxis = list(title = "Survival Prob.")
#     ))
# # Plotting the estimated survival probabilities from sm_predict()
# sm_predict_ex2 %>%
#   select(marker, age, .fitted) %>%
#   tidyr::spread(age, .fitted) %>%
#   select(-marker) %>%
#   plot_ly(z = ~ as.matrix(.),
#           x = marker.seq,
#           y = age.seq) %>%
#   add_surface(showscale=FALSE) %>%
#   layout(
#     title = "Estimated Risk of Death within 1 Year",
#     scene = list(
#       xaxis = list(title = "Marker"),
#       yaxis = list(title = "Age"),
#       zaxis = list(title = "Survival Prob.")
#     ))

ddsjoberg/sjosmooth documentation built on May 14, 2019, 5:16 p.m.