
Defines functions FindInconsistentActiveStatus

Documented in FindInconsistentActiveStatus

#' @title Find Inconsistent Active Status
#' @description Identify students who have different statuses in PowerSchool and the Workbook
#' @param psStudentsRaw an export from the students table in PowerSchool
#' @param Workbook a data.frame of the All Info tab from the workbook
#' @return either a dataframe of issues or numeric(0) if there are no issues
FindInconsistentActiveStatus = function(psStudentsRaw, Workbook){

  InPS = psStudentsRaw$student_number                                                      # students in PS
  ActiveInPS = psStudentsRaw$student_number[psStudentsRaw$Enroll_Status == 0]              # students active in PS
  InactiveInPS = setdiff(InPS, ActiveInPS)                                                 # students inactive in PS

  InWorkbook = Workbook$`Local.ID.(optional)`                                              # students in wkbk
  ActiveInWorkbook = Workbook$`Local.ID.(optional)`[(Workbook$`Still.Enrolled?` == "yes")] # students active in wkbk
  InactiveInWorkbook = setdiff(InWorkbook, ActiveInWorkbook)                               # students inactive in wkbk

  inBoth = intersect(InWorkbook, InPS)                                                     # students in both wkbk and PS
  ActiveInPS.InactiveInWkbk = intersect(ActiveInPS, InactiveInWorkbook)                    # students active PS, inactive in wkbk
  ActiveInPS.NotInWorkbook = setdiff(ActiveInPS, InWorkbook)                               # students active PS, not in wkbk
  ActiveInWorkbook.InactiveInPS = intersect(ActiveInWorkbook, InactiveInPS)                # students active in wkbk, inactive in PS
  ActiveInWorkbook.NotInPS = setdiff(ActiveInWorkbook, InPS)                               # students active in wkbk, not in PS

  # Compile information into one readable table
  inconsistencies = unique(c(ActiveInPS.InactiveInWkbk, ActiveInPS.NotInWorkbook, ActiveInWorkbook.InactiveInPS, ActiveInWorkbook.NotInPS))
  if(length(inconsistencies) > 0){                                  # If there are any inconsistencies
    inconsistencies = data.frame(Student.ID = inconsistencies)      # Create the inconsistencies data.frame
    inconsistencies$PS = "Not There"                                # Add relevant columns
    inconsistencies$Wkbk = "Not There"

    for(j in 1:nrow(inconsistencies)){                              # For each inconsistency,

      if(inconsistencies$Student.ID[j] %in% ActiveInPS){            # Adjust the PS variable as necessary
        inconsistencies$PS = "Active"
      } else if (inconsistencies$Student.ID[j] %in% InPS){
        inconsistencies$PS = "Inactive"
      } # /if-else ActiveInPS

      if(inconsistencies$Student.ID[j] %in% ActiveInWorkbook){      # Adjust the Wkbk variable as necessaary
        inconsistencies$Wkbk = "Active"
      } else if (inconsistencies$Student.ID[j] %in% InWorkbook){
        inconsistencies$Wkbk = "Inactive"
      } # /if-else ActiveInWorkbook

    } # /for each inconsistency

    inconsistencies$PSgrade = psStudentsRaw$grade_level[match(inconsistencies$Student.ID, psStudentsRaw$student_number)]
    inconsistencies$Wkbkgrade = Workbook$`Grade.(leave.blank.if.no.longer.enrolled)`[match(inconsistencies$Student.ID, Workbook$student_number)]

  } # /if there are any inconsistencies


} # /function
debarros/dbTools documentation built on Sept. 18, 2020, 10:51 a.m.