
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rhs
#   extract and manipulate the right-hand side of R objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @name rhs
#' @rdname formula.parts 
#' @export rhs
setGeneric( 'rhs', function(x, ...) standardGeneric( 'rhs' ) )

# -------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------

#' @rdname formula.parts
#' @aliases .rhs.singular

.rhs.singular <- function(x) {

  if( ! is.operator( x[[1]] ) ) stop( x[[1]], " does not appear to be an operator." )
  if( is.two.sided(x) ) 
    x[[3]] else 
    if( is.one.sided(x) ) 
#' @rdname formula.parts
#' @aliases rhs,call-method
setMethod( 'rhs', 'call', .rhs.singular ) 

#' @rdname formula.parts
#' @aliases rhs,formula-method
setMethod( 'rhs', 'formula', .rhs.singular )

# **Note:** 
# This is not a replacement method, but rather a method that dispatches on the 
# non-standard class '<-'. roxygen2 produces the following documentation:
#      @usage \S4method{lhs}{`<-`}(x). 
# But this fails for the non-standard class `<-`, so documentation is omitted.
#' @rdname formula.parts
#' @aliases rhs,<--method

setMethod( 'rhs', '<-', function(x) x[[3]] )

# -------------------------------------
# PLURAL    
# -------------------------------------

#' @rdname formula.parts
#' @aliases rhs,expression-method
setMethod( 'rhs', 'expression', 
  function(x,...) { 
    ret <- vector( 'expression', length(x) )
    for( i in 1:length(x) ) {
      rh <- rhs( x[[i]] )
      if( ! is.null( rh ) ) ret[[i]] <- rh

#' @rdname formula.parts
#' @aliases rhs,list-method

setMethod( 'rhs', 'list', function(x,...) lapply( x, rhs, ... ) )
decisionpatterns/formula.tools documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:56 a.m.