- Design notes for na.actions pacakge

This document tracks opinionated desicion about the na.actions package that largely have to do with the design choices made


The packages shoould handle be the single repository for functions/methods for working with missing values (NA) for all data science workflows.

It should be extensible and be able to handle

Naming and Labels

na.replace and


Style Elements


Simple Imputation

 na_replace( x, .na=mean )
 na_replace( tbl, col1 = mean )          Or, 
 na_replace( tbl, col1 = mean(col1) )

Complex Imputation

Imputation should be preformed when the replacement value is a rhs-formula:

na_replce(tbl, col1 = ~col2, .method=lm )

This has the effect of creating a model for col1 ~ col2

decisionpatterns/na.actions documentation built on Aug. 25, 2020, 8:04 p.m.