Man pages for derek-corcoran-barrios/DiversityOccu
Building Diversity Models from Multiple Species Occupancy Models

batchoccuFits occupancy models for multiple species detection history
batchoccuavgFits occupancy models for multiple species detection history...
BirdstackRaster Stack with five variables measured in Pohnpei Island...
Daily_CovSeven covariables measured at 120 survey stations in an...
diversityoccuCalculates alpha diversity from multiple species occupancy...
diversity.predictMakes a spacially explicit prediction of the occupancy of...
IslandBirdsOccupancy data of 5 bird species in Micronesia.
model.diversityFind the best GLM model explaining the alpha divesity of the...
occupancy.predictPredicts occupancy for all the species in a batchoccupancy...
responseplot.abundplot the response of an abundance model to the change of...
responseplot.diverplot the response of the calculated alpha diversity to the...
responseplot.occuplot the response of an occupancy model to the change of...
siteCovNine covariables measured at 120 survey stations in an island...
derek-corcoran-barrios/DiversityOccu documentation built on Nov. 12, 2019, 7:31 p.m.