
#' Leaf longevity and leaf mass per area for plant species from different sites
#' @description This dataset contains the leaf longevity and leaf mass per area of 75 plant
#' species from four sites in south-eastern Australia. Sites represent
#' contrasts along rainfall and soil phosphorous gradients.
#' @name leaflife
#' @format A data frame containing 75 rows and 5 variables: \describe{
#' \item{site}{the site at which this species was sampled (coded as 1, 2, 3, or
#' 4)}
#' \item{rain}{The level of annual rainfall at the site (coded as "high" or
#' "low")}
#' \item{soilp}{The level of soil phosphate concentration at the site (coded as
#' "high" or "low")}
#' \item{longev}{Leaf longevity (years)}
#' \item{lma}{Leaf mass per area (m2/kg)} }
#' @source Wright I. J., Westoby M. and Reich P. B. (2002) Convergence towards
#' higher leaf mass per area in dry and nutrient-poor habitats has different
#' consequences for leaf life span.  \emph{Journal of Ecology} \bold{90},
#' 534--543.
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