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knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)

This document describes the design of nrsimulatr, a package to help researchers experiment with network reporting methods through simulations.

Conducting a network reporting simulation can be broken down into several steps:

The sections in this document roughly correspond to those steps.

Generating a social network

In network reporting, the social network is the undirected network that respondents are asked to report about.

Currently, there is only one broad way to generate a social network in the package: using a stochastic block model. However, this part of the code is designed to be expanded in the future in two ways: first, it should be easy for future researchers to add different probabilistic network models; and, second, it should be possible to use real-world network datasets.

Data model

Whether stochastically generating a network or reading one in from a dataset, the result should be an igraph object whose vertices have (at least) the following attributes:


Stochastic block model

So far, the only stochastic model for generating social networks that has been written is based on the stochastic block model. There are three versions: 4group_1param_simple, 4group_1param_nested, and 4group_2param.


To create a social network using the stochastic block model, call the method sbm_params. This method takes a list of parameters and constructs an S3 class representing the simuluation. The resulting parameter object can be passed to generate_graph.

TODO - example code?

Creating new models


Generating a reporting network from the social network

In network reporting, the reporting network is the directed network of respondents' reports about their network connections. When reporting is accurate, this network is similar to the social network, but if reporting is inaccurate, then it can be quite different.

nrsimulatr treats the social and the reporting networks as entirely separate. Once the social network has been created, generating a reporting network is a distinct process.

If you create a new model for generating social networks, and you want reporting to vary as part of your model, you will have to create a set of methods that turn your social network into a reporting graph.

The package currently implements only the basic form of imperfect reporting, which makes use of the fact that the vertices of the social network graph have labels in.F and in.H indicating whether or not each vetex is in the frame population and in the hidden population. This basic form of imperfect reporting is governed by two parameters, $\tau_F$ and $\eta_F$.

Data model

A reporting network object is a directed igraph object whose vertices have (at least) the following attributes:


Sampling respondents and computing estimates

Sampling respondents mimics the process of sampling a real population.

nrsimulatr currently implements three types of sampling:

Sampling produces a dataset of the attributes of the sampled nodes, along with a variable called sampling_weight, which has the weights for the sample.

Computing estimates

Researchers may be interested in computing lots of different kinds of estimates using network reporting methods.

nrsimulatr assumes that computing estimates only requires datasets produced from sampling respondents, and not any other information about the network.

Right now, the package only has one simple function used to compute estimates related to the stochastic block model; it is called sbm_estimates.

Researchers can add other functions for computing estimates from stochastic block models, or from models they write themselves.

TODO - recommend that estimator functions take a dataset and info about weights

Example of creating new model

TODO - good example might be something like ER random graph with everyone in F and a random 10% of people in H

if your model is partially to test new reporting assumptions, you might also want to add


dfeehan/nrsimulatr documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 3:18 a.m.