
#' Database with codes and names of spanish regions
#' @family datasets
#' @family political
#' @family dictionary
#' @name esp_codelist
#' @docType data
#' @description
#' A `data.frame` object used internally for translating codes and names of the
#' different subdivisions of Spain. The `data.frame` provides the hierarchy of
#' the subdivisions including NUTS1 level, autonomous communities (equivalent
#' to NUTS2), provinces and NUTS3 level. See **Note**.
#' @source
#' - **INE**: Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: <https://www.ine.es/>
#' - **Eurostat (NUTS)**: <https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts/overview>
#' - **ISO**: <https://www.iso.org/home.html>
#' - **CLDR**: <https://unicode-org.github.io/cldr-staging/charts/38/index.html>
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @format
#' A [`data.frame`][base::data.frame] with `r nrow(mapSpain::esp_codelist)` rows
#' codes and columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{nuts1.code}{NUTS 1 code}
#'  \item{nuts1.name}{NUTS 1 name}
#'  \item{nuts1.name.alt}{NUTS 1 alternative name}
#'  \item{nuts1.shortname.es}{NUTS1 1 short (common) name (Spanish)}
#'  \item{codauto}{INE code of the autonomous community}
#'  \item{iso2.ccaa.code}{ISO2 code of the autonomous community}
#'  \item{nuts2.code}{NUTS 2 Code}
#'  \item{ine.ccaa.name}{INE name of the autonomous community}
#'  \item{iso2.ccaa.name.es}{ISO2 name of the autonomous community (Spanish)}
#'  \item{iso2.ccaa.name.ca}{ISO2 name of the autonomous community (Catalan)}
#'  \item{iso2.ccaa.name.gl}{ISO2 name of the autonomous community (Galician)}
#'  \item{iso2.ccaa.name.eu}{ISO2 name of the autonomous community (Basque)}
#'  \item{nuts2.name}{NUTS 2 name}
#'  \item{cldr.ccaa.name.en}{CLDR name of the autonomous community (English)}
#'  \item{cldr.ccaa.name.es}{CLDR name of the autonomous community (Spanish)}
#'  \item{cldr.ccaa.name.ca}{CLDR name of the autonomous community (Catalan)}
#'  \item{cldr.ccaa.name.ga}{CLDR name of the autonomous community (Galician)}
#'  \item{cldr.ccaa.name.eu}{CLDR name of the autonomous community (Basque)}
#'  \item{ccaa.shortname.en}{Short (common) name of the autonomous community
#'     (English)}
#'  \item{ccaa.shortname.es}{Short (common) name of the autonomous community
#'     (Spanish)}
#'  \item{ccaa.shortname.ca}{Short (common) name of the autonomous community
#'     (Catalan)}
#'  \item{ccaa.shortname.ga}{Short (common) name of the autonomous community
#'     (Galician)}
#'  \item{ccaa.shortname.eu}{Short (common) name of the autonomous community
#'     (Basque)}
#'  \item{cpro}{INE code of the province}
#'  \item{iso2.prov.code}{ISO2 code of the province}
#'  \item{nuts.prov.code}{NUTS code of the province}
#'  \item{ine.prov.name}{INE name of the province}
#'  \item{iso2.prov.name.es}{ISO2 name of the province (Spanish)}
#'  \item{iso2.prov.name.ca}{ISO2 name of the province (Catalan)}
#'  \item{iso2.prov.name.ga}{ISO2 name of the province (Galician)}
#'  \item{iso2.prov.name.eu}{ISO2 name of the province (Basque)}
#'  \item{cldr.prov.name.en}{CLDR name of the province (English)}
#'  \item{cldr.prov.name.es}{CLDR name of the province (Spanish)}
#'  \item{cldr.prov.name.ca}{CLDR name of the province (Catalan)}
#'  \item{cldr.prov.name.ga}{CLDR name of the province (Galician)}
#'  \item{cldr.prov.name.eu}{CLDR name of the province (Basque)}
#'  \item{prov.shortname.en}{Short (common) name of the province (English)}
#'  \item{prov.shortname.es}{Short (common) name of the province (Spanish)}
#'  \item{prov.shortname.ca}{Short (common) name of the province (Catalan)}
#'  \item{prov.shortname.ga}{Short (common) name of the province (Galician)}
#'  \item{prov.shortname.eu}{Short (common) name of the province (Basque)}
#'  \item{nuts3.code}{NUTS 3 code}
#'  \item{nuts3.name}{NUTS 3 name}
#'  \item{nuts3.shortname.es}{NUTS 3 short (common) name}
#' }
#' @note
#' Although NUTS2 matches the first subdivision level of Spain
#' (CCAA - Autonomous Communities), it should be noted that NUTS3 does not
#' match the second subdivision level of Spain (Provinces). NUTS3 provides a
#' dedicated code for major islands whereas the provinces doesn't.
#' Ceuta and Melilla has an specific status (Autonomous Cities) but are
#' considered as autonomous communities with a single province (as Madrid,
#' Asturias or Murcia) on this database.
#' @examples
#' data("esp_codelist")

#' [`sf`][sf::st_sf] object with all the NUTS levels of Spain (2016)
#' @family datasets
#' @family nuts
#' @name esp_nuts.sf
#' @docType data
#' @description
#' A [`sf`][sf::st_sf] object including all NUTS levels of Spain as provided by
#' GISCO (2016 version).
#' @source
#' <https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/distribution/v2/nuts/>, file
#' `NUTS_RG_20M_2016_4326.geojson`.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @format
#' A [`sf`][sf::st_sf] object (resolution: 1:1million, EPSG:4258) with
#' `r prettyNum(nrow(mapSpain::esp_nuts.sf), big.mark=",")` rows and columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{LEVL_CODE}{NUTS level code (0,1,2,3)}
#'   \item{NUTS_ID}{NUTS identifier}
#'   \item{URBN_TYPE}{Urban Type, see Details}
#'   \item{CNTR_CODE}{Eurostat Country code `ES`}
#'   \item{NAME_LATN}{NUTS name on Latin characters}
#'   \item{NUTS_NAME}{NUTS name on local alphabet}
#'   \item{MOUNT_TYPE}{Mount Type, see Details}
#'   \item{COAST_TYPE}{Coast Type, see Details}
#'   \item{FID}{FID}
#'   \item{geometry}{geometry field}
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/esp_nuts_sf.R
#' @details
#' **MOUNT_TYPE**: Mountain typology:
#'  - 1: More than 50 % of the surface is covered by topographic mountain areas.
#'  - 2: More than 50 % of the regional population lives in topographic
#'    mountain areas.
#'  - 3: More than 50 % of the surface is covered by topographic mountain areas
#'    and where more than 50 % of the regional population lives in these
#'    mountain areas.
#'  - 4: Non-mountain region / other regions.
#'  - 0: No classification provided
#' **URBN_TYPE**: Urban-rural typology:
#'  - 1: Predominantly urban region.
#'  - 2: Intermediate region.
#'  - 3: Predominantly rural region.
#'  - 0: No classification provided
#' **COAST_TYPE**: Coastal typology:
#'   - 1: Coastal (on coast).
#'   - 2: Coastal (less than 50% of population living within 50 km. of the
#'        coastline).
#'   - 3: Non-coastal region.
#'   - 0: No classification provided

#' [`sf`][sf::st_sf] object with all the municipalities of Spain (2019)
#' @family datasets
#' @family municipalities
#' @name esp_munic.sf
#' @description
#' A [`sf`][sf::st_sf] object including all municipalities of Spain as provided
#' by GISCO (2019 version).
#' @docType data
#' @source
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
#' cat(paste0("<https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/",
#'            "statistical-units/local-administrative-units>, "))
#' ```
#' LAU 2019 data.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @seealso [esp_get_munic()].
#' @format
#' A [`sf`][sf::st_sf] object (resolution: 1:1 million, EPSG:4258) object with
#' `r prettyNum(nrow(mapSpain::esp_munic.sf), big.mark=",")` rows and columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{codauto}{INE code of the autonomous community.}
#'   \item{ine.ccaa.name}{INE name of the autonomous community.}
#'   \item{cpro}{INE code of the province.}
#'   \item{ine.prov.name}{INE name of the province.}
#'   \item{cmun}{INE code of the municipality.}
#'   \item{name}{Name of the municipality.}
#'   \item{LAU_CODE}{LAU Code (GISCO) of the municipality. This is a
#'     combination of **cpro** and **cmun** fields, aligned with INE coding
#'     scheme.}
#'   \item{geometry}{geometry field.}
#' }
#' @example inst/examples/esp_munic_sf.R

#' Database with the population of Spain by municipality (2019)
#' @family datasets
#' @name pobmun19
#' @docType data
#' @format
#' An example `data.frame` object with
#' `r prettyNum(nrow(mapSpain::pobmun19), big.mark=",")` rows containing the
#' population data by municipality in Spain (2019).
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cpro}{INE code of the province.}
#'   \item{provincia}{name of the province.}
#'   \item{cmun}{INE code of the municipality.}
#'   \item{name}{Name of the municipality.}
#'   \item{pob19}{Overall population (2019)}
#'   \item{men}{Men population (2019)}
#'   \item{women}{Women population (2019)}
#' }
#' @source INE: Instituto Nacional de Estadistica <https://www.ine.es/>
#' @examples
#' data("pobmun19")

#' (Superseded) Database of public WMS and WMTS of Spain
#' @keywords internal
#' @name leaflet.providersESP.df
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge('superseded')`
#' This `data.frame` is not longer in use by \CRANpkg{mapSpain}. See
#' [esp_tiles_providers] instead.
#' A `data.frame` containing information of different public WMS and WMTS
#' providers of Spain
#' @docType data
#' @source
#' <https://dieghernan.github.io/leaflet-providersESP/> leaflet plugin,
#' **`r leafletprovidersESP_v`**.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @format
#' A `data.frame` object with a list of the required parameters for calling
#' the service:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{provider}{Provider name}.
#'   \item{field}{Description of `value`}.
#'   \item{value}{INE code of each province}.
#' }
#' @examples
#' data("leaflet.providersESP.df")

#' Database of public WMS and WMTS of Spain
#' @family datasets
#' @family imagery utilities
#' @name esp_tiles_providers
#' @description
#' A named [`list`][base::list] of length `r length(esp_tiles_providers)`
#' containing the parameters of the url information of different public WMS and
#' WMTSproviders of Spain.
#' Implementation of javascript plugin
#' [leaflet-providersESP](https://dieghernan.github.io/leaflet-providersESP/)
#' **`r leafletprovidersESP_v`**.
#' @docType data
#' @source
#' <https://dieghernan.github.io/leaflet-providersESP/> leaflet plugin,
#' **`r leafletprovidersESP_v`**.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @format
#' A named `list` of the providers available with the following structure:
#' - Each item of the list is named with the provider alias.
#' - Each element of the list contains two nested named lists:
#'   - `static` with the parameters to get static tiles plus an additional item
#'     named `attribution`.
#'   - `leaflet` with additional parameters to be passed onto
#'     [addProviderEspTiles()].
#' @details
#' Providers available to be passed to `type` on [esp_getTiles()] are:
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE, comment="", results="asis"}
#' t <- names(mapSpain::esp_tiles_providers)
#' t <- paste0('\n - `"', t, '"`')
#' cat(t)
#' ```
#' @examples
#' data("esp_tiles_providers")
#' # Get a single provider
#' single <- esp_tiles_providers[["IGNBase.Todo"]]
#' single$static
#' single$leaflet
dieghernan/mapSpain documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 8:44 p.m.