
Defines functions print.ROC.GLM

Documented in print.ROC.GLM

#' @title Printer for ROC-GLM
#' @description This function provides a printer for the ROC-GLM object returned from `dsROCGLM`.
#' @param x (`list()`) List containing the ROC-GLM parameter returned from `dsROCGLM`.
#' @param ... Additional parameters (basically none, but CRAN forces us to do this in print).
#' @author Daniel S.
#' @export
print.ROC.GLM = function(x, ...) {
  roc_glm = x
  cat("\nROC-GLM after Pepe:\n\n\tBinormal form: pnorm(", round(roc_glm$parameter[1], 2), " + ",
    round(roc_glm$parameter[2], 2), "*qnorm(t))\n\n\tAUC and ", 1 - roc_glm$alpha,
    " CI: [", round(roc_glm$ci[1], 2), "----", round(roc_glm$auc, 2), "----",
    round(roc_glm$ci[2], 2), "]\n\n", sep = "")
difuture-lmu/dsROCGLM documentation built on March 24, 2024, 1:07 p.m.