hesim_survdists: List of survival distributions

hesim_survdistsR Documentation

List of survival distributions


List of additional distributions for parametric survival analysis that are not contained in flexsurv. Can be used to fit models with flexsurv::flexsurvreg(). Same format as flexsurv::flexsurv.dists.




A list with the following elements:


Name of the probability distribution.


Vector of strings naming the parameters of the distribution. These must be the same names as the arguments of the density and probability functions.


Name of the location parameter.


List of R functions which transform the range of values taken by each parameter onto the real line. For example, c(log, log) for a distribution with two positive parameters.


List of R functions defining the corresponding inverse transformations. Note these must be lists, even for single parameter distributions they should be supplied as, e.g. c(exp) or list(exp).


A function of the observed survival times t (including right-censoring times, and using the halfway point for interval-censored times) which returns a vector of reasonable initial values for maximum likelihood estimation of each parameter. For example, function(t){ c(1, mean(t)) } will always initialize the first of two parameters at 1, and the second (a scale parameter, for instance) at the mean of t.

dincerti/cea documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 7:27 a.m.