
Defines functions optimizer_SPSA optimizer_CNE optimizer_GradientDescent optimizer_L_BFGS optimizer_SA

Documented in optimizer_CNE optimizer_GradientDescent optimizer_L_BFGS optimizer_SA optimizer_SPSA

#' Simulated-Annealing with exponential schedule
#' @export
optimizer_SA <- function() {
  cpp_init_code <- paste0(
    "ens::ExponentialSchedule expSchedule;\n",
    "ens::SA<> optimizer(expSchedule);\n"

#' L-BFGS Optimizer
#' @param numBasis Number of memory points to be stored (default 10)
#' @param maxIterations Maximum number of iterations for the optimization (0 means no limit and may run indefinitely)
#' @param armijoConstant Controls the accuracy of the line search routine for determining the Armijo condition
#' @param wolfe Parameter for detecting the Wolfe condition
#' @param minGradientNorm Minimum gradient norm required to continue the optimization
#' @param factr Minimum relative function value decrease to continue the optimization
#' @param maxLineSearchTrials The maximum number of trials for the line search (before giving up)
#' @param minStep The minimum step of the line search
#' @param maxStep The maximum step of the line search
#' @export
optimizer_L_BFGS <- function(numBasis = 10,
                             maxIterations = 10000,
                             armijoConstant = 1e-4,
                             wolfe = 0.9,
                             minGradientNorm = 1e-6,
                             factr = 1e-15,
                             maxLineSearchTrials = 50,
                             minStep = 1e-20,
                             maxStep = 1e20) {
    "ens::L_BFGS optimizer(",
    numBasis, ", ",
    maxIterations, ", ",
    armijoConstant, ", ",
    wolfe, ", ",
    minGradientNorm, ", ",
    factr, ", ",
    maxLineSearchTrials, ", ",
    minStep, ", ",

#' Gradient Descent Optimizer
#' @param stepSize Step size for each iteration
#' @param maxIterations Maximum number of iterations allowed (0 means no limit).
#' @param tolerance Maximum absolute tolerance to terminate algorithm.
#' @export
optimizer_GradientDescent <- function(stepSize = 0.01, maxIterations = 100000, tolerance = 1e-5) {
  stopifnot(stepSize > 0, maxIterations >= 0, tolerance >= 0)
    "ens::GradientDescent optimizer(", stepSize, ", ", maxIterations, ", ", tolerance, ");\n"

#' Conventional Neural Evolution Optimizer
#' @param populationSize The number of candidates in the population. This should be at least 4 in size 	500
#' @param maxGenerations The maximum number of generations allowed for CNE 	5000
#' @param mutationProb Probability that a weight will get mutated 	0.1
#' @param mutationSize The range of mutation noise to be added. This range is between 0 and mutationSize	0.02
#' @param selectPercent The percentage of candidates to select to become the the next generation	0.2
#' @param tolerance The final value of the objective function for termination. If set to negative value, tolerance is not considered 	1e-5
#' @export
optimizer_CNE <- function(populationSize = 500,
                          maxGenerations = 5000,
                          mutationProb = 0.1,
                          mutationSize = 0.02,
                          selectPercent = 0.2,
                          tolerance = 1e-5) {
    "ens::CNE optimizer(",
    populationSize, ", ",
    maxGenerations, ", ",
    mutationProb, ", ",
    mutationSize, ", ",
    selectPercent, ", ",

#' Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA)
#' @param alpha Scaling exponent for the step size.
#' @param gamma Scaling exponent for evaluation step size.
#' @param stepSize Scaling parameter for step size.
#' @param evaluationStepSize Scaling parameter for evaluation step size.
#' @param maxIterations Maximum number of iterations allowed (0 means no limit).
#' @param tolerance Maximum absolute tolerance to terminate algorithm.
#' @export
optimizer_SPSA <- function(alpha = 0.602,
                           gamma = 0.101,
                           stepSize = 0.16,
                           evaluationStepSize = 0.3,
                           maxIterations = 100000,
                           tolerance = 1e-5) {
    "ens::SPSA optimizer(",
    alpha, ", ",
    gamma, ", ",
    stepSize, ", ",
    evaluationStepSize, ", ",
    maxIterations, ", ",
dirkschumacher/armacmp documentation built on Oct. 22, 2021, 7:10 p.m.