
Fitting point process models to disease case data with mgcv (or whatever you want)

We are going to fit a point process model using Generalized Additive Modeling via the mgcv package.

First let's load the gun crime data for the USA in 2015 (from the gun violence archive) and corresponding population raster (WorldPop) from the disarmr package


We can generate a map of these incidents

quick_map(gun_crime_sf, 'num_killed')

Now, to coin a phrase from Nick Golding's ppmify package, let's ppmify our data using DiSARM::space_time_ppmify to get it ready for modeling using Poisson regression. Here, we take a similar approach, however, instead of considering the point process as a continuous process, we aggregate points that occur in the same population (offset) cell and give them an appropriate regression weight and offset value. This minimizes the number of observations we have to include in the model (good for large datasets) and also makes some sense as the highest resolution we will (or maybe should) ever be able to predict is at the resolution of our population raster.

ppm_df <- disarmr::space_time_ppmify(points = gun_crime_sf,
                exposure = USA_pop_2015,
                date_start_end=c("2015-01-01", "2015-12-31"),
                approx_num_int_points = 5000,

Now let's fit a model using mgcv using a spatial-only model

gam_mod <- mgcv::gam(outcome ~ s(x, y, k=500),
               weights = regression_weights,
               data = ppm_df$ppm_df,
               method = "REML",
               family = "poisson")


# Predict
predicted_log_rate <- predict(ppm_df$prediction_stack, gam_mod)
predicted_num <- exp(predicted_log_rate + log(USA_pop_2015))

# Check predicted numbers against observed
cellStats(predicted_num, sum)
## [1] 11434.85
## [1] 11550

Map predicted rate

pred_raster_inc <- exp(predicted_log_rate)*1000
quick_map(pred_raster_inc, raster_legend_title="Gun crimes/1000")

Using the MapPalettes package we can compare predicted versus observed counts using hexbins

hexbin_stats <- MapPalettes::hexbin_raster(predicted_num, 500, function(x){sum(x,na.rm=T)})
intersects <- st_intersects(gun_crime_sf, st_as_sf(hexbin_stats))
intersects_table <- table(unlist(intersects))
hexbin_stats$observed <- 0
hexbin_stats$observed[as.numeric(names(intersects_table))] <- intersects_table

# And map
case_num_pal <- colorBin(topo.colors(5), c(0,600), bins = c(0, 1, 10, 100, 600))
plot(hexbin_stats, col = case_num_pal(hexbin_stats$observed), main = "Observed counts", asp=1)
legend("bottomright", inset=0, title="Number of incidents",
   c("0-1","1-10","10-100", "100-600"), fill=case_num_pal(c(0.5, 1.5, 10.5, 100.5)), horiz=FALSE, cex=0.8)
plot(hexbin_stats, col = case_num_pal(hexbin_stats$stat), main = "Fitted counts", asp=1)

Now plot observed versus fitted

ggplot() + geom_point(aes(hexbin_stats$observed, hexbin_stats$stat)) +
scale_x_continuous(name="Observed numbers of incidents") + 
  scale_y_continuous(name="Predicted (fitted) numbers of incidents")

Space-time example

Let's model the data across months. We can fit a spatio-temporal model using a tensor product between a bivariate spatial smooth and a smooth on time. We'll bump up the number of integration points as these will be spread across the time periods.

date_breaks <- seq(ymd("2015-01-01"), ymd("2016-01-01"), by = "month")
ppm_df_st <- space_time_ppmify(points = gun_crime_sf,
                exposure = USA_pop_2015,
                periods = date_breaks,
                approx_num_int_points = 25000,
                date_start_end=c("2015-01-01", "2015-12-31"),

Now let's fit a model using mgcv. We can make use of the bam function to speed things up slightly.

gam_mod_st <- mgcv::bam(outcome ~ te(x, y, period, bs=c('tp', 'cr'), k=c(150,10),d=c(2,1)),
               weights = regression_weights,
               data = ppm_df_st$ppm_df,
               method = "REML",
               family = "poisson")

Now we can predict for each month

period_raster <- ppm_df$prediction_stack[[1]]
predicted_rate_stack <- stack()

# Loop through each time period and predict
for(i in 1:(length(date_breaks)-1)){
  period_raster[] <- i
  names(period_raster) <- 'period'
  pred_stack <- stack(ppm_df$prediction_stack[[c('x', 'y')]], period_raster)
  predicted_rate_stack <- stack(predicted_rate_stack,
                             predict(pred_stack, bam_mod_st))

# Plot
                par.settings = custom.theme(region = wes_palette(name= "Zissou1",n=32,"continuous")[1:32]))

Check predicted number per time period

pred_num_per_month <- cellStats(exp(predicted_rate_stack + log(USA_pop_2015)), sum)
obs_num_per_month <- table(cut.Date(gun_crime_sf$date, date_breaks))
ggplot() + geom_point(aes(pred_num_per_month, obs_num_per_month))

disarm-platform/DiSARM documentation built on March 4, 2020, 3:49 p.m.