generate: Generate an lvec with (random) values

View source: R/generate.R

generateR Documentation

Generate an lvec with (random) values


Generate an lvec with (random) values


generate(n, fun, ..., chunk_size = 5e+06)



number of elements in result vector


function that generates values. Should accept a number of elements to generate as its first argument.


additional arguments are passed on to fun.


the size of the chunks of values with which to fill the resulting lvec. When not given it uses the value of the option 'chunk_size' (see options) otherwise the default value.


Returns an lvec with length n. The type is determined by the type of values returned by fun.


# generate an lvec with random normally distributed values with sd of 10
x <- generate(2E6, rnorm, sd = 10)
# generate lvec with random letters; use sample; expects n as its second
# argument, but we work around that by explicitly naming first argument x
y <- generate(2E6, sample, x = letters, replace = TRUE)

djvanderlaan/lvec_stats documentation built on Oct. 4, 2022, 7:02 p.m.