
Defines functions plug

Documented in plug

#' Switch indeterminates in a polynomial
#' Switch indeterminates in a polynomial
#' @param p a polynomial
#' @param indeterminate the indeterminate in the polynomial to switch
#' @param value the value/indeterminate to substitute
#' @return an mpoly object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # on an mpoly
#' (p <- mp("(x+y)^3"))
#' plug(p, "x", 5)
#' plug(p, "x", "t")
#' plug(p, "x", "y")
#' plug(p, "x", mp("2 y"))
#' plug(p, "x", mp("x + y"))
#' mp("((x+y)+y)^3")
#' # on an mpolyList
#' ps <- mp(c("x+y", "x+1"))
#' plug(ps, "x", 1)
plug <- function(p, indeterminate, value){
  # go recursive if an mpolyList
    return(structure(lapply(p, plug, indeterminate, value), class = "mpolyList"))
  # check args
  stopifnot(length(value) == 1 || is.mpoly(value))
  stopifnot(length(indeterminate) == 1)
  # if plugging in a number
    pList <- unclass(p)
    pList <- lapply(pList, function(term){
      # term <- pList[[2]]
      indetNdcs <- which(names(term) == indeterminate)
      term[indetNdcs] <- value^unname(term[indetNdcs])
      names(term)[indetNdcs] <- "coef"
    return(mpoly(pList)) # this can be optimized    
  # if plugging in a value
  if(is.character(value)) value <- str_trim(value)
  if(is.mpoly(value))     value <- print.mpoly(value, silent = TRUE)
    charPoly <- print.mpoly(p, silent = TRUE)
    charPoly <- str_replace_all(charPoly, indeterminate, paste0("(",value,")"))
    return(mp(charPoly))# this can be optimized    

dkahle/mpoly documentation built on July 27, 2023, 11:44 p.m.