sensitivitiesSymb: Compute sensitivity equations of a function symbolically

View source: R/derivedEquations.R

sensitivitiesSymbR Documentation

Compute sensitivity equations of a function symbolically


Compute sensitivity equations of a function symbolically


  states = names(f),
  parameters = NULL,
  inputs = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  reduce = FALSE



named vector of type character, the functions


Character vector. Sensitivities are computed with respect to initial values of these states


Character vector. Sensitivities are computed with respect to initial values of these parameters


Character vector. Input functions or forcings. They are excluded from the computation of sensitivities.


data.frame of events with columns "var" (character, the name of the state to be affected), "time" (numeric or character, time point), "value" (numeric or character, value), "method" (character, either "replace" or "add"). See events. Within sensitivitiesSymb() a data.frame of additional events is generated to reset the sensitivities appropriately, depending on the event method.


Logical. Attempts to determine vanishing sensitivities, removes their equations and replaces their right-hand side occurences by 0.


The sensitivity equations are ODEs that are derived from the original ODE f. They describe the sensitivity of the solution curve with respect to parameters like initial values and other parameters contained in f. These equtions are also useful for parameter estimation by the maximum-likelihood method. For consistency with the time-continuous setting provided by adjointSymb, the returned equations contain attributes for the chisquare functional and its gradient.


Named vector of type character with the sensitivity equations. Furthermore, attributes "chi" (the integrand of the chisquare functional), "grad" (the integrand of the gradient of the chisquare functional), "forcings" (Character vector of the additional forcings being necessare to compute chi and grad) and "yini" ( The initial values of the sensitivity equations) are returned.


## Not run: 

## Sensitivity analysis of ozone formation


# O2 + O <-> O3
f <- c(
  O3 = " build_O3 * O2 * O - decay_O3 * O3",
  O2 = "-build_O3 * O2 * O + decay_O3 * O3",
  O  = "-build_O3 * O2 * O + decay_O3 * O3"

# Compute sensitivity equations
f_s <- sensitivitiesSymb(f)

# Generate ODE function
func <- funC(c(f, f_s))

# Initialize times, states, parameters and forcings
times <- seq(0, 15, by = .1)
yini <- c(O3 = 0, O2 = 3, O = 2, attr(f_s, "yini"))
pars <- c(build_O3 = .1, decay_O3 = .01)

# Solve ODE
out <- odeC(y = yini, times = times, func = func, parms = pars)

# Plot solution
t <- out[,1]
M1 <- out[,2:4]
M2 <- out[,5:7]
M3 <- out[,8:10]
M4 <- out[,11:13]
M5 <- out[,14:16]
M6 <- out[,17:19]

matplot(t, M1, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="solution")
legend("topright", legend = c("O3", "O2", "O"), lty=1, col=1:3)
matplot(t, M2, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="d/(d O3)")
matplot(t, M3, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="d/(d O2)")
matplot(t, M4, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="d/(d O)")
matplot(t, M5, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="d/(d build_O3)")
matplot(t, M6, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="d/(d decay_O3)")

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 

## Estimate parameter values from experimental data


# O2 + O <-> O3
# diff = O2 - O3
# build_O3 = const.
f <- c(
  O3 = " build_O3 * O2 * O - decay_O3 * O3",
  O2 = "-build_O3 * O2 * O + decay_O3 * O3",
  O  = "-build_O3 * O2 * O + decay_O3 * O3"

# Compute sensitivity equations and get attributes
f_s <- sensitivitiesSymb(f)
chi <- attr(f_s, "chi")
grad <- attr(f_s, "grad")
forcings <- attr(f_s, "forcings")

# Generate ODE function
func <- funC(f = c(f, f_s, chi, grad), forcings = forcings, 
             fcontrol = "nospline", modelname = "example3")

# Initialize times, states, parameters
times <- seq(0, 15, by = .1)
yini <- c(O3 = 0, O2 = 2, O = 2.5)
yini_s <- attr(f_s, "yini")
yini_chi <- c(chi = 0)
yini_grad <- rep(0, length(grad)); names(yini_grad) <- names(grad)
pars <- c(build_O3 = .2, decay_O3 = .1)

# Initialize forcings (the data)
forcData <- data.frame(time = oxygenData[,1],
                       name = rep(
                       value = as.vector(oxygenData[,-1]))
forc <- setForcings(func, forcData)

# Solve ODE
out <- odeC(y = c(yini, yini_s, yini_chi, yini_grad), 
            times = times, func = func, parms = pars, forcings = forc,
            method = "lsodes")

# Plot solution
t <- out[,1]
M1 <- out[,2:4]
M2 <- out[,names(grad)]
tD <- oxygenData[,1]
M1D <- oxygenData[,2:4]

matplot(t, M1, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="states")
matplot(tD, M1D, type="b", lty=2, col=1:3, pch=4, add=TRUE)
legend("topright", legend = names(f), lty=1, col=1:3)
matplot(t, M2, type="l", lty=1, col=1:5, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="gradient")
legend("topleft", legend = names(grad), lty=1, col=1:5)

# Define objective function
obj <- function(p) {
  out <- odeC(y = c(p[names(f)], yini_s, yini_chi, yini_grad), 
              times = times, func = func, parms = p[names(pars)], 
	      forcings = forc, method="lsodes")
  value <- as.vector(tail(out, 1)[,"chi"])
  gradient <- as.vector(
    tail(out, 1)[,paste("chi", names(p), sep=".")])
  hessian <- gradient%*%t(gradient)
  return(list(value = value, gradient = gradient, hessian = hessian))

# Fit the data
myfit <- optim(par = c(yini, pars), 
               fn = function(p) obj(p)$value, 
               gr = function(p) obj(p)$gradient,
               method = "L-BFGS-B", 

# Model prediction for fit parameters
prediction <- odeC(y = c(myfit$par[1:3], yini_s, yini_chi, yini_grad), 
                   times = times, func = func, parms = myfit$par[4:5], 
		   forcings = forc, method = "lsodes")

# Plot solution
t <- prediction[,1]
M1 <- prediction[,2:4]
M2 <- prediction[,names(grad)]
tD <- oxygenData[,1]
M1D <- oxygenData[,2:4]

matplot(t, M1, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="states")
matplot(tD, M1D, type="b", lty=2, col=1:3, pch=4, add=TRUE)
legend("topright", legend = names(f), lty=1, col=1:3)
matplot(t, M2, type="l", lty=1, col=1:5, 
        xlab="time", ylab="value", main="gradient")
legend("topleft", legend = names(grad), lty=1, col=1:5)

## End(Not run)

dkaschek/cOde documentation built on April 19, 2022, 9:16 a.m.