Man pages for dkneis/rodeo
A Code Generator for ODE-Based Models

buildFromWorkbookBuild a model from the contents of a workbook
compileGenerate Executable Code
dynamicsNumerical Integration
exportDFExport a Data Frame as HTML/TEX Code
finalizeClean-up a 'rodeo' Object
forcingFunctionsGeneration of Forcing Functions in Fortran
funsDeclaration of Functions
generateCode Generator
getParsQuery Values of Parameters
getVarsQuery Values of State Variables
initializeInitialize a 'rodeo' Object
initStepperInitialize Internal ODE Solver
libFuncReturn name of library function
libNameReturn library name
parsDeclaration of Parameters
plotStoichiometryPlot Qualitative Stoichiometry Matrix
prosDeclaration of Processes
rodeo-class'rodeo' Class
rodeo-packagePackage to Facilitate ODE-Based Modeling
setParsAssign Values to Parameters
setVarsAssign Values to State Variables
stepNumerical Integration Over a Single Time Step
stoiSpecification of Stoichiometry
stoiCheckValidation of a Stoichiometry Matrix
stoichiometryReturn the Stoichiometry Matrix
stoiCreateStoichiometry Matrix from Reaction Equations
varsDeclaration of Variables
dkneis/rodeo documentation built on July 19, 2024, 3:16 a.m.