  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
dk <- connect()


The Caliper scripting language (GISDK) contains numerous objects which facilitate the analysis of transport problems. This vignette explains how to work with these objects from R using the caliperR package. If you are not already familiar with the basics of this package, see vignette("using-caliperR").

Getting started

In TransCAD, the NLM.Model object facilitates the creation and application of logistic regression models. To use this object from R, we create it like so:

object <- CreateObject("NLM.Model")

This creates both the GISDK object and an R object (R6 class) that points to it. From here, the only difference between R and GISDK is syntax: R uses $ instead of . to access object attributes and methods. The code below sets the Label attribute of the NLM.Model GISDK object.

object$Label <- "A logit model"

Next, the Clear() method of the NLM.Model object is called, which removes the value of all fields including Label.


To see the complete list of available fields and methods for the GISDK object, simply use object$info.

info <- object$info

dkyleward/caliperR documentation built on Dec. 31, 2021, 7:11 p.m.