update: this code is now being maintained at

Generating Priors based on Data and / or Expert knowledge:

Fitting priors to data (point estimates, all grass species in GLOPNET).

Example: Specific Leaf Area based on all grasses

```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE} library(PEcAn.priors) library(DEoptim) set.seed(1) iter <-10000 #jags chain and misc simulation length; 1k for test, 10k for real inits <- list(list(.RNG.seed = 1, = "base::Mersenne-Twister"), list(.RNG.seed = 2, = "base::Mersenne-Twister"), list(.RNG.seed = 3, = "base::Mersenne-Twister"), list(.RNG.seed = 4, = "base::Mersenne-Twister"))

### MLE Fit to glopnet Specific Leaf Area data  

fit.dist function is in `PEcAn.priors::fit.dist` (See source code:


```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE, cache=TRUE}

devtools::install("pecanproject/pecan/modules/priors") <- read.csv('inst/extdata/glopnet.csv') # Wright et. al. 2004 supplementary file glopnet.grass <-[which($GF == 'G'), ] # GF = growth form; G=grass

turnover time (tt)

glopnet.grass$tt <- 12/10^(glopnet.grass$log.LL) ttdata <- data.frame(tt = glopnet.grass$tt[!$tt)])

specific leaf area

glopnet.grass$sla <- 1000/ (0.48 * 10^glopnet.grass$log.LMA)

glopnet.grass$sla <- 1000/ (10^glopnet.grass$log.LMA) sladata <- data.frame(sla = glopnet.grass$sla[!$sla)])

dists <- c('gamma', 'lognormal','weibull', 'f') fit.dist <- PEcAn.priors::fit.dist prior.dists <- rbind('SLA' = fit.dist(sladata, dists ), 'leaf_turnover_rate' = fit.dist(ttdata, dists))

slaprior <- with(prior.dists['SLA',], prior.density(distribution, a, b)) ttprior <- with(prior.dists['leaf_turnover_rate',], prior.density(distribution, a, b))

prior.figures[['SLA']] <- priorfig(priordata = sladata, priordensity = slaprior, trait = 'SLA') prior.figures[['leaf_turnover_rate']] <- priorfig(priordata = ttdata, priordensity = ttprior, trait = 'leaf_turnover_rate')

The `fit.dist` function takes a vector of point estimates (in this case 125 observations of Specific Leaf Area from GLOPNET database are stored in `sladata`.

First, it prints out the fits of a subset of distributions (the 'f' distribution could not be fit). Second, it prints the 
dists =  c('gamma', 'lognormal','weibull', 'f')
fit.dist(sladata, dists )

The priorfig function visualizes the chosen prior (line), with its mean and 95\%CI (dots) as well as the data used to generate the figure.

```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=3, results='markup'}

priorfig(priordata = sladata,

priordensity = slaprior,

trait = 'SLA')


Fitting priors to data with uncertainty estimates (generating posterior predictive distribution of an unobserved C4 grass species based on values collected from many PFTs. 
### Vcmax data from Wullschleger (1993)

```{r} <- read.csv('inst/extdata/wullschleger1993updated.csv')

Classify Wullschleger Data into Functional Types

1. query functional types from BETY

This code is not run here - data are provided in .csv file below. This code requires connection to the BETYdb MySQL server.

```{r eval=FALSE} wullschleger.species <- vecpaste(unique($AcceptedSymbol))

load functional type data from BETY

con <- function() {query.bety.con(username = "bety", password = "bety", host = "localhost", dbname = "bety")} <- query.bety(paste("select distinct AcceptedSymbol, scientificname, GrowthHabit, Category from species where AcceptedSymbol in (", wullschleger.species, ") and GrowthHabit is not NULL and Category is not NULL;"), con()) write.csv(, 'inst/extdata/wullschleger_join_usdaplants.csv')

Picking up with the Wullschleger dataset joined to USDA Plants functional type classifications ... 

```{r pft_wullschleger} <- read.csv('inst/extdata/wullschleger_join_usdaplants.csv')

subshrubs <- rownames( %in% c(grep('Shrub',$GrowthHabit), grep('Subshrub',$GrowthHabit))
########## 2. Merge functional type information into Wullschleger data <- merge(,, by = 'AcceptedSymbol')
########## 3. Classify by functional type
## grass: any Graminoid Monocot
grass <- with(, GrowthHabit == 'Graminoid' & Category == 'Monocot')
## forbs/herbs = forb
forb <- with(, GrowthHabit == 'Forb/herb' | GrowthHabit == 'Vine, Forb/herb')
## woody = Shrubs, Subshrubs or Trees, add category to a few with missing information, 
woody <- with(, scientificname %in% c('Acacia ligulata', 'Acacia mangium', 'Arbutus unedo', 'Eucalyptus pauciflora', 'Malus', 'Salix') |  rownames( %in% c(grep('Shrub', GrowthHabit), grep('Subshrub', GrowthHabit), grep('Tree', GrowthHabit)))
## gymnosperms
gymnosperm <-$Category == 'Gymnosperm'
## ambiguous is both woody and herbaceous, will drop
ambiguous <-$GrowthHabit %in% c("Subshrub, Shrub, Forb/herb, Tree", "Tree, Subshrub, Shrub", "Tree, Shrub, Subshrub, Forb/herb", "Subshrub, Forb/herb")$functional.type[grass] <- 1$functional.type[forb]  <- 3$functional.type[woody & !gymnosperm] <- 4$functional.type[woody & gymnosperm] <- 5 <- subset(, !ambiguous)     

############# Estimating SE and n ##################################
##verr, jerr: the "asymptotic" errors for Vcmax, Jmax using SAS nlim
##vucl,vlcl,jlcl,jucl: are upper and lower confidence limits of 95%CI

##Calculate SD as (1/2 the 95%CI)/1.96$vsd <- ($$vlcl)/(2*1.96)

##Calculate effective N as (SE/SD)^2 + 1$neff <- ($vse/$vsd)^2 + 1$se   <- sqrt($vsd*sqrt($neff))
## recode species to numeric
species <- unique($scientificname)
sp <- rep(NA, nrow(
for(i in seq(species)){
  sp[$scientificname == species[i]] <- i

############# Scale values to 25C ##################################$corrected.vcmax <- arrhenius.scaling($vcmax, 
                                     old.temp =$temp, 
                                     new.temp = 25)

############# Create data.frame for JAGS model ################################## <- data.frame(Y  =$corrected.vcmax,
                                obs.prec = 1 / (sqrt($neff) *$se),
                                sp = sp,
                                ft =$functional.type,
                                n  =$neff)
## Summarize data by species
wullschleger.vcmax <- ddply(, 
                            Y = mean(Y), 
                            obs.prec = 1/sqrt(sum((1/obs.prec)^2)), 
                            ft = mean(ft), # identity
                            n =  sum(n)) [,-1]

Add data from C4 species

Few measurements of Vcmax for C4 species were available.

Miscanthus: Wang D, Maughan MW, Sun J, Feng X, Miguez FE, Lee DK, Dietze MC, 2011. Impact of canopy nitrogen allocation on growth and photosynthesis of miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus). Oecologia, in press
dwang.vcmax <- c(19.73, 40.35, 33.02, 21.28, 31.45, 27.83, 9.69, 15.99, 18.88, 11.45, 15.81, 27.61, 13, 21.25, 22.01, 10.37, 12.37, 22.8, 12.24, 15.85, 21.93, 23.48, 31.51, 23.16, 18.55, 17.06, 20.27, 30.41)
dwang.vcmax <- data.frame(Y = mean(dwang.vcmax), 
                          obs.prec = 1/sd(dwang.vcmax),
                          ft = 2,         #C4 Grass
                          n = length(dwang.vcmax))
Muhlenbergia glomerata

Kubien and Sage 2004. Low-temperature photosynthetic performance of a C4 grass and a co-occurring C3 grass native to high latitudes. Plant, Cell & Environment DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2004.01196.x

Data from figure 5 in Kubien and Sage (2004), average across plants grown at 14/10 degrees and 26/22 degrees

kubien.vcmax <- data.frame(Y = mean(23.4, 24.8), 
                           obs.prec = 1/sqrt(2.6^2 + 2.5^2), 
                           n = 8, 
                           ft = 2)                      
Zea Mays (Corn)

Massad, Tuzet, Bethenod 2007. The effect of temperature on C4-type leaf photosynthesis parameters. Plant, Cell & Environment 30(9) 1191-1204. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2007.01691.x

data from fig 6a <- data.frame(vcmax = c(17.1, 17.2, 17.6, 18, 18.3, 18.5, 20.4, 22.9, 22.9, 21.9, 21.8, 22.7, 22.3, 25.3, 24.4, 25.5, 25.5, 24.9, 31.2, 30.8, 31.6, 31.7, 32.5, 34.1, 34.2, 33.9, 35.4, 36, 36, 37.5, 38.2, 38.1, 37.4, 37.7, 25.2, 25.5), 
                                temp = c(20.5, 24.6, 21, 19, 21.9, 15, 19.6, 14.3, 20.8, 23.4, 24.8, 25.9, 24.1, 22.8, 27.9, 31.7, 35.5, 39.3, 37.9, 42.4, 41.5, 48.7, 33.3, 33.3, 31.5, 39.1, 38.8, 43.3, 50, 38.4, 35.7, 34.4, 31.9, 33.9, 32.1, 33.7))
massad.vcmax <- with(, arrhenius.scaling(old.temp = temp, 
                                                          new.temp = 25, 
                                                          observed.value = vcmax))

massad.vcmax <- data.frame(Y  = mean(massad.vcmax),
                           obs.prec = 1/(sd(massad.vcmax)),
                           n  = length(massad.vcmax),
                           ft = 2)

##### Combine all data sets <- rbind(wullschleger.vcmax,
                        ## xfeng.vcmax, 
take a look at the raw data by functional type:
qplot(data =, x = factor(ft), y = Y, geom = 'boxplot')
Add unobserved C4 species so JAGS calculates posterior predictive distribution <- rbind(, 
                    data.frame(Y = NA, obs.prec = NA, ft = 2, n = 1))
Write and Run Meta-analysis
writeLines(con = "vcmax.prior.bug", 
           text =  "model{  
             for (k in 1:length(Y)){
               Y[k]  ~ dnorm(beta.ft[ft[k]], tau.y[k])T(0,)
               tau.y[k] <- prec.y*n[k]
               u1[k] <- n[k]/2                             
               u2[k] <- n[k]/(2*prec.y)
               obs.prec[k] ~ dgamma(u1[k], u2[k])
             for (f in 1:5){
               beta.ft[f] ~ dnorm(0, tau.ft)
             tau.ft ~ dgamma(0.1, 0.1)
             prec.y    ~ dgamma(0.1, 0.1)     
             sd.y      <- 1 / sqrt(prec.y)
             ## estimating posterior predictive for new C4 species
             pi.pavi <- Y[length(Y)]         
             diff <- beta.ft[1] - beta.ft[2]

j.model  <- jags.model(file = "vcmax.prior.bug", 
                       data =, 
                       n.adapt = 500, 
                       n.chains = 4,
                       inits = inits)

mcmc.object <- coda.samples(model = j.model, variable.names = c('pi.pavi', 'beta.ft', 'diff'),
                            n.iter = iter)
mcmc.o     <- window(mcmc.object, start = iter/2, thin = 10)
pi.pavi    <- data.frame(vcmax = unlist(mcmc.o[,'pi.pavi']))
vcmax.dist <- fit.dist(pi.pavi, n = sum(!$Y)))

prior.dists   <- rbind(prior.dists, 'Vcmax' = vcmax.dist)
vcmax.density <- with(vcmax.dist, prior.density(distribution, a, b), xlim = c(0,50))

######### Vcmax Prior Plot
vcmax.c4 <-$ft == 2 <- transform(, mean = Y, se =  1/(sqrt(n) * obs.prec))[,c('ft', 'mean', 'se')]
#vcmax.mean <-$Y[!c4,]   <- with([!c4,], 1/(sqrt(n) * obs.prec))#[reorder]
#c4.mean <-$Y)[c4]   <- with(, 1 / (sqrt(n) * obs.prec) )[c4]

prior.figures[['Vcmax']] <- 
  priorfig(priordensity = vcmax.density, 
                                     trait = 'Vcmax', 
                                     xlim = range(c(0, max($mean)))) + 
  geom_point(data = subset(, ft != 2), 
             aes(x=mean, y = (sum(vcmax.c4) + 1:sum(!vcmax.c4))/3000), color = 'grey60') +
  geom_segment(data = subset(, ft != 2),
               aes(x = mean - se, xend = mean + se, 
                   y = (sum(vcmax.c4) + 1:sum(!vcmax.c4))/3000, 
                   yend = (sum(vcmax.c4) + 1:sum(!vcmax.c4))/3000),
               color = 'grey60') +
  ## darker color for C4 grasses
  geom_point(data = subset(, ft == 2),
             aes(x=mean, y = 1:sum(vcmax.c4)/2000), size = 3) +
  geom_segment(data = subset(, ft == 2),
               aes(x = mean - se, xend = mean + se, 
                   y = 1:sum(vcmax.c4)/2000, yend = 1:sum(vcmax.c4)/2000))


Fitting priors to expert constraint ().

Example: Minimum temperature of Photosynthesis


Other Examples / Approaches


Package rriskDistributions

The rriskDistributions useful for estimating priors ...

as well as individual functions for each distribution such as get.<somedist>.par that provide nice diagnostic plots (e.g. compare chosen points to cdf) for example, to compute the parameters of a Gamma distribution that fits a median of 2.5 and has a 95%CI of [1, 10]:

get.gamma.par(p = c(0.025, 0.50, 0.975), q = c(1, 2.5, 10), tol = 0.1)

The function fit.pecr provides a GUI to explore the fits of a range of distributions, e.g.:

{r eval=FALSE} fit.perc(p = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), q = c(30, 60, 90), tolConv = 0.1)

produces this:

image of rriskDistributions example that uses GUI

dlebauer/pecan-priors documentation built on Sept. 26, 2019, 5:03 a.m.