wikify: Format R objects to be inserted into TiddlyWiki.

Description Usage Details Value Author(s) See Also


Generic function used to do the final formatting of R objects so that they can be introduced into a TiddlyWiki template file.


wikify(object, ...)


At the moment, specific methods are described for classes: tiddler, twImage, twLInk, twList and twTable. A character vector will be inserted "as is" into the TiddlyWiki file; each element of the vector will be a line within the file. Any other R object will be introduced as "code" chunks into the file using the standard R results display.

The function is not intended to be called directly but from within the functions writeTiddlers and writeTags.


A character vector. Each element is intended to be a line within the TiddlyWiki template file.


David Montaner

See Also

writeTiddlers, writeTags, capture.output

dmontaner/TiddlyWikiR documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:35 a.m.