
#' Multinomial model of number of kids in the household 2012-2014
#' To impute the missing data for number of kids in the household for years 2015+
#' This is a saved model object. It is a multinomial model fitted in the R package nnet. multinom(formula = kids ~ age_cat + sex + relationship_status + 
#'ethnicity_4cat + imd_quintile + eduend4cat + degree + nssec3_lab + 
#'  employ2cat + activity_lstweek, data = data, maxit = 1000)
#' @docType data
#' @format model object
#' @source The code used to fit the model is in data-raw/Impute Kids
dosgillespie/hseclean documentation built on May 2, 2020, 1:15 a.m.