Man pages for douglasgscofield/dispersalDiversity
Analyse individual and genetic diversity of dispersal processes in biological populations

allele_divtables-classList of divtables holding allele diversity data
alphaContrastTestTest for differences in alpha diversity between two data sets
alphaContrastTest3Test for differences in alpha diversity between three data...
alphaDiversityTestTest for differences in alpha diversity among sites within a...
as.divtableConvert to class divtable
createAlleleTablesGenerate an allele_divtables object from a class genalex...
dispersalDiversity-packageAnalyse individual and genetic diversity of dispersal...
diversityCalculate a collection of diversity statistics from a...
diversityMultilocusCalculate diversity across a set of allele tables
diversitySingleLocusCalculate allelic diversity for a single locus
divtable-classTable holding diversity data
gammaAccumPerform gamma diversity accumulation on divtable or...
gammaContrastTestTest for difference in gamma diversity between two datasets
gammaContrastTest3Test for difference in gamma diversity among three datasets
granaries_2002_QlobSource tree assignments for acorns harvested from acorn...
granaries_2004_QlobSource tree assignments for acorns harvested from acorn...
membershipPlotPlot a series of stacked bars indicating membership
nielsenTransformTransform vector of squared frequencies using the method of...
pairwiseMeanTestTest for structure in pairwise divergence between sites
plot.diversity_testPlot the result of a diversity test (alpha or gamma)
plot.divtablePlot divtable object using membershipPlot
plot.gamma_accumPlot the gamma accumulation result from gammaAccum
plotPairwiseMatrixPlot pairwise divergence or overlap as calculated by...
plot.pairwise_mean_testPlot the result of 'pairwiseMeanTest'
print.allele_diversity_testPrint the result of a allele diversity test (alpha or gamma)
print.diversity_testPrint the result of a diversity test (alpha or gamma)
douglasgscofield/dispersalDiversity documentation built on March 30, 2021, 9:50 a.m.