
Defines functions getArrhenius

Documented in getArrhenius

# R-Code to calculate Q10-value based on SCAPE Copyright (C) 2013 Fabian Gans,
# Miguel Mahecha This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the GNU
# General Public License along with this program.  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Estimate \eqn{E_a}{Ea} value and time varying \eqn{R_b}{Rb} from temperature and efflux time series including uncertainty.
#' @param temperature numeric vector: temperature time series.
#' @param respiration numeric vector: respiration time series.
#' @param sf numeric: sampling rate, number of measurements (per day).
#' @param fborder numeric: boundary for dividing high- and low-frequency parts (in days).
#' @param M numeric vector: size of SSA window (in days).
#' @param nss numeric vector: number of surrogate samples.
#' @param method String: method to be applied for signal decomposition (choose from 'Fourier','SSA','MA','wavMODWT','Spline')
#' @param weights numeric vector: optional vector of weights to be used for linear regression, points can be set to 0 for bad data points.
#' @param lag numeric vector: optional vector of time lags between respiration and temprature signal.
#' @param gapFilling Logical: Choose whether Gap-Filling should be applied.
#' @param doPlot Logical: Choose whether Surrogates should be plotted.
#' @description
#' Function to determine the temperature sensitivity for an Arrhenius-like model and time varying
#' basal efflux (\eqn{R_b(i)}{Rb(i)}) from a given temperature and efflux (usually respiration) time series
#' according the principle of 'SCAle dependent Parameter Estimation, SCAPE' (Mahecha et al. 2010).
#' @details
#' Function to determine the temperature sensitivity (\eqn{E_a}{Ea} value) and time varying basal efflux (\eqn{R_b}{Rb}) from a given temperature and efflux (usually respiration) time series.
#' The following Arrhenius model could be used to describe the respiration:
#'  \eqn{Resp(i) = R_b e^\frac{- Ea}{R T(i)} }{Resp(i) = R_b * exp(- Ea / (R T(i)))},
#' where \eqn{i}{i} is the time index. It has been shown, however, that this model is misleading when \eqn{R_b}{Rb} is varying over time which can be expected in many real world examples (e.g. Sampson et al. 2008).
#' If \eqn{R_b}{Rb} varies slowly, i.e. with some low frequency then the 'scale dependent parameter estimation, SCAPE'
#' allows us to identify this oscillatory pattern. As a consequence, the estimation of \eqn{E_a}{Ea} can be substantially stabilized (Mahecha et al. 2010). The model becomes
#' \eqn{Resp(i) = R_b(i) e^\frac{- Ea}{R T(i)} }{Resp(i) = R_b(i) * exp(- Ea / (R T(i)))},
#' where \eqn{R_b(i)}{Rb(i)} is the time varying 'basal respiration', i.e. the respiration expected at \eqn{Tref}{Tref}. The convenience function getArrhenius allows to extract the \eqn{E_a}{Ea} value minimizing the confounding factor of the time varying \eqn{R_b}{Rb}. Four different spectral methods can be used and compared. A surrogate technique (function by curtsey of Dr. Henning Rust, written in the context of Venema et al. 2006) is applied to propagate the uncertainty due to the decomposition.
#' The user is strongly encouraged to use the function with caution, i.e. see critique by Graf et al. (2011).

#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @references
#' @author Fabian Gans, Miguel D. Mahecha, MPI BGC Jena, Germany, fgans@bgc-jena.mpg.de mmahecha@bgc-jena.mpg.de
getArrhenius <- function(temperature, respiration, sf, fborder = 30, M = -1, nss = 0,
  method = "Fourier", weights = NULL, lag = NULL, gapFilling = TRUE, doPlot = FALSE)
  gettau <- function(temperature) {
    return(-1/(temperature + 273.15))

  getSensPar <- function(S) return(S * 8.3144621)

  invGetSensPar <- function(X) return(X/8.3144621)
  environment(invGetSensPar) <- baseenv()

  output <- getSens(temperature = temperature, respiration = respiration, sf = sf,
    gettau = gettau, fborder = fborder, M = M, nss = nss, method = method, weights = weights,
    lag = lag, gapFilling = gapFilling, doPlot = doPlot)

  output <- .transformOutput(output, getSensPar, "Ea")

  output$settings$invGetSensPar <- invGetSensPar
  ## value<< A list with elements $SCAPE_Ea : the estimated \eqn{E_a}{Ea} with the
  ## SCAPE principle and the method chosen. $Conv_Ea : the conventional
  ## \eqn{E_a}{Ea} (assuming constant Rb) $DAT$SCAPE_R_pred : the SCAPE prediction
  ## of respiration $DAT$SCAPE_Rb : the basal respiration based on the the SCAPE
  ## principle $DAT$Conv_R_pred : the conventional prediction of respiration
  ## $DAT$Conv_Rb : the conventional (constant) basal respiration

dpabon/ecofunr documentation built on July 15, 2020, 12:58 p.m.