Man pages for dpc10ster/rjafroc
Artificial Intelligence Systems and Observer Performance

ChisqrGoodnessOfFitCompute the chisquare goodness of fit statistic for ROC...
dataset01TONY FROC dataset
dataset02Van Dyke ROC dataset
dataset03Franken ROC dataset
dataset04Federica Zanca FROC dataset
dataset05John Thompson FROC dataset
dataset06Magnus FROC dataset
dataset07Lucy Warren FROC dataset
dataset08Monica Penedo ROC dataset
dataset09Nico Karssemeijer ROC dataset (CAD vs. radiologists)
dataset10Mark Ruschin ROC dataset
dataset11Dobbins 1 FROC dataset
dataset12Dobbins 2 ROC dataset
dataset13Dobbins 3 FROC dataset
dataset14Federica Zanca real (as opposed to inferred) ROC dataset
datasetBinned123Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 123
datasetBinned124Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 124
datasetBinned125Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 125
datasetCadLrocNico Karssemeijer LROC dataset (CAD vs. radiologists)
datasetCadSimuFrocSimulated FROC CAD vs. RAD dataset
datasetDegenerateSimulated degenerate ROC dataset (for testing purposes)
datasetFROCSpC#' Simulated FROC SPLIT-PLOT-C dataset
datasetROISimulated ROI dataset
datasetXJohn Thompson crossed modality FROC dataset
Df2RJafrocDatasetConvert ratings arrays to an RJafroc dataset
DfBinDatasetReturns a binned dataset
DfCreateCorCbmDatasetCreate paired dataset for testing 'FitCorCbm'
DfExtractCorCbmDatasetExtract two arms of a pairing from an MRMC ROC dataset
DfExtractDatasetExtract a subset of treatments and readers from a dataset
DfFroc2LrocSimulates an "AUC-equivalent" LROC dataset from an FROC...
DfFroc2RocConvert an FROC dataset to an ROC dataset
DfLroc2FrocSimulates an "AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from an LROC...
DfLroc2RocConvert an LROC dataset to a ROC dataset
DfReadDataFileRead a factorial data file (not SPLIT-PLOT)
DFReadSPRead a SPLIT PLOT data file (not factorial)
DfReadXModalitiesRead a crossed-modality data file
DfSaveDataFileSave ROC dataset in different formats
DfWriteExcelDataFileSave dataset object as a JAFROC format Excel file
FitBinormalRocFit the binormal model to selected modality and reader in an...
FitCbmRocFit the contaminated binormal model (CBM) to selected...
FitCorCbmFit CORCBM to a paired ROC dataset
FitRsmRocFit the radiological search model (RSM) to an ROC dataset
isBinnedDatasetDetermine if a dataset is binned
isValidDatasetCheck the validity of a dataset for FOM and other input...
PlotBinormalFitPlot binormal fit
PlotCbmFitPlot CBM fitted curve
PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristicsPlot empirical operating characteristics, ROC, FROC or LROC
PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristicsRSM predicted operating characteristics, ROC pdfs and AUCs
RJafroc-packageArtificial Intelligence Systems and Observer Performance
RSM_FPFRSM predicted ROC-abscissa as function of z
RSM_LLFRSM predicted FROC ordinate
RSM_NLFRSM predicted FROC abscissa
RSM_pdfDRSM predicted ROC-rating pdf for diseased cases
RSM_pdfNRSM predicted ROC-rating pdf for non-diseased cases
RSM_TPFRSM predicted ROC-ordinate as function of z
RSM_wLLFRSM predicted wAFROC ordinate, cpp code
SimulateCorCbmDatasetSimulate paired binned data for testing FitCorCbm
SimulateFrocDatasetSimulates an MRMC uncorrelated FROC dataset using the RSM
SimulateFrocFromLrocDatasetSimulates an "AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from an LROC...
SimulateLrocDatasetSimulates an uncorrelated FLROC FrocDataset using the RSM
SimulateRocDatasetSimulates a binormal model ROC dataset
SsFrocNhRsmModelConstruct RSM NH model for FROC sample size estimation
SsFrocSampleSizeRSM fitted model for FROC sample size
SsPowerGivenJKStatistical power for specified numbers of readers and cases
SsPowerGivenJKDbmVarComPower given J, K and Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz variance components
SsPowerGivenJKOrVarComPower given J, K and Obuchowski-Rockette variance components
SsPowerTableGenerate a power table using the OR method
SsSampleSizeKGivenJNumber of cases, for specified number of readers, to achieve...
StDBM or OR significance testing for a one treatment factorial...
StCadVsRadSignificance testing: standalone CAD vs. radiologists
StOldCodePerforms DBM or OR significance testing for factorial dataset...
StSPPerforms OR significance testing for SPLIT-PLOT A or C...
testCppTesting cpp code TBA!!
Util2IntrinsicConvert from physical to intrinsic RSM parameters
Util2PhysicalConvert from intrinsic to physical RSM parameters
UtilAnalyticalAucsRSMRSM ROC/AFROC/wAFROC AUC calculator
UtilAucBINBinormal model AUC function
UtilAucCBMCBM AUC function
UtilDBM2ORVarComConvert from DBM to OR variance components
UtilDBMVarCompUtility for Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz variance components
UtilFigureOfMeritCalculate empirical figures of merit (FOMs) for factorial...
UtilLesDistrThe 'lesionID' distribution of a dataset *or* a supplied...
UtilLesWghtsLesion weights distribution matrix
UtilMeanSquaresCalculate mean squares for factorial dataset
UtilOR2DBMVarComConvert from OR to DBM variance components
UtilORVarCompObuchowski-Rockette variance components for dataset
UtilPseudoValuesPseudovalues for given factorial or crossed modality dataset...
dpc10ster/rjafroc documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 4:37 a.m.